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A day passed and Jiang Meng was back early in the morning with a letter from Mi An.

❝Rest now, Jiang Meng, you must be tired.❞

❝Yes, Miss, I will sleep for 3 hours then we can start planning.❞Jiang Meng smiled tired.

❝Sleep as much as you need, I don't want you to get sick.❞

❝Thanks for worrying miss...❞ Jiang Meng said as his eyes closed and he fell with his head on Xu Yang's shouldered, fast asleep.

Xu Yang touched his shoulder, but noticed he is asleep. She placed his head on her lap and looked at him for a while. His long black hair that was tied in a high pony tail was a little messy and some hairs we're covering his face. Xu Yang put her hand on his cheek and moved the hair from his face. Jiang Meng fell asleep with a smile on his face, this made Xu Yang giggle a little.

She slowly reached for the letter and unfolded the paper. Mi An said she will help Xu Yang with whatever she need so she send one of her best servants at the border to wait for the three and help them. Mi An also said she contacted Xu Jiang and told him about the situation and he immediately agreed to help Xu Yang cross safely.

❝Brother.... ❞Xu Yang whispered smiling.

She was happy thinking about meeting her oldest brother after so long. Maybe after a while she could invite her brothers in Saju to spend some time together. She wondered what they were doing now.

Xu Yang continued to look at Jiang Meng's peaceful face and sleep took over her as well. After 3 hours, Jiang Meng woke up and looked around confused, he knew he was tired, but to fell asleep on Xu Yang's lap, he couldn't help, but blush.

❝Miss.❞ he whispered looking at Xu Yang sleeping face.

Xu Yang moved a little in her sleep. Jiang Meng was so close to her that he could feel her breath on his cheek. He wondered what would happen if he kissed Xu Yang now, will she feel it? Will she wake up and get mad at him? Not thinking anymore he looked at her lips and softly kissed her. Xu Yang felt the warm lips on hers and opened her eyes immediately thinking it was Zhang Wan. To her surprise, her eyes met Jiang Meng's closed one's and her panic dissappeared.

❝Did I wake you?❞ Jiang Meng softly asked after breaking the contact between their lips.

❝No... well yes. I needed to wake up anyways.❞Xu Yang said looking in his eyes.

They were still close to each other, Xu Yang could feel his breath on her lips and her heart started to beat fast as she realized they just kissed. She shared her first kiss with Jiang Meng.

Jiang Meng looked in her big black eyes and smiled. She was adorable, how her cheeks became pink just now and how she just looked in his eyes so sweet. It didn't help his longing for her.

❝Why you must be so adorable, Miss... ❞he whispered.

Xu Yang put her hand on his cheek, which startled Jiang Meng a little.

❝Did you slept well?❞ she asked in a quiet voice.

❝Yes, did Miss slept well?❞

❝You can call me Yang...❞ she said looking away.

❝But I'm miss's servant.❞

❝Friend. You are my close friend, not a servant.❞ Xu Yang said serious and looked at him.

Jiang Meng's heart had gone crazy and his ears were a deep shade of red.

❞Yang.❞ he called her name and smiled.


❝You're so beautiful, Yang.❞ he added and gently pinched her nose.

Xu Yang covered her red nose and opened her mouth to scold him, but her mouth was immediately covered by his again. She made a sound when she felt her back touch the bed and closed her eyes. Jiang Meng continued to kiss her until they needed air.

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