In the morning

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The sun peeked through the curtains,

warming the faces of the two people

on the bed. Jimin was nuzzling his

face against Junkook's neck, tickling

him with his breath. The latter's

eyelids shivered and slowly opened.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and started

stretching his stiff limbs. Jungkook

looked at the person laying down

beside him and sighed. He caressed

the young man's hair and pinched his


Jimin moaned softly and curled up

further within the blankets. Jungkook

chuckled and called him tenderly:

"Hyung wake up, we'll be late for the


"Five more minutes" he whined while

hugging him. Jungkook shook his

head in resignation and laid down

back on the bed. "Only five more

minutes" he whispered in

admonishment. Jimin nodded with his

eyes closed rubbing his nose on

Jungkook's cheek. Jungkook pecked

his forehead and caressed his cheek

with the back of his hand. He then

hugged him narrowing the space

between the two of them. Jungkook

fell asleep once again while listening

to the other's calm heartbeat.

Unfortunately Jungkook had forgotten

to put an alarm so, when he woke up

once again and checked the time,

panick came rushing over him: OMG!!!

- he cried- We are running late!

He hurriedly pulled away the

blankets off of himself and started

looking for something to wear. He

then realized that Jimin was still

sleeping and tried to wake him up:

" Jimin! - he called. No reaction...

He called him once more, this time

louder... Still no reaction...

" Oh come on! "-he said in frustration

while pulling away the blankets from

him. Only at that point Jimin woke up.

He scratched his head and with his

eyes still half closed got off the bed.

"What's going on?" - he asked while

yawning .

"We are running late for school" - cried Jungkook exasperated.

Jimin's eyes shot open. "Fuck!" -

He scurried back to his

room, took a quick shower and got

dressed. Jungkook did the same and

after they got ready, they ran


Jimin and Jungkook had been best

friends since forever and they had a

great relationship. They were total

opposites: Jimin was clingy and sweet

while Jungkook was shy and reserved.

They complemented each other. Over

time Jimin's enthusiasm and

friendliness had changed the younger

boy. Now he didn't get as shy as he did

before when Jimin expressed his

affection for him. Sometimes it was

actually him who initiated a hug.

Jimin had changed his life for the


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