Chapter 9

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No One's POV:

Kyoka sighed. She turned to face Izuku. "Had I though wrong of Ochako? She didn't try to attack Aikai when she a vulnerable." She had a point. Izuku turned to Kyoka. "Kyo, I felt bad when taking Aikai away from Uraraka. True, she was vulnerable, but I believe Uraraka is back to herself. I mean, look, Aikai isn't going back to sleep. I think she wants Uraraka. Though, Uraraka did kidnap Aikai and Yawka, I think Aikai believes that Uraraka isn't evil." Kyoka looked at her daughter. "I think I should talk with Ochako." Izuku nodded and Kyoka left the Common Room. 

*Ochako's Dorm*

Ochako laid on her bed feeling nothing but guilt. She heard a knock on the door. "Come in...." She said, solomnly. She turned and saw Kyoka. "K- Kyoka......? Why are you here.......? To punish me for touching Aikai....? I swear, I didn't mean for it to happen! She-" "I know.. I know... She came to you first. She obviously likes you. I should apolagize. I'm sorry for misjudging you. Obviously, you're back to yourself." She spoke with a smile. "Hey- I know you're feeling really guilty for a lot of things, and I forgive you." She walked over to Ochako and opened her arms for a hug. Ochako stared for a moment and hugged back. "T- thanks, Kyoka...." "Question, since I know you like Izu, I would actually like to know if you like any other boys, in our class?" Ochako hesitated then nodded her head slowly and embarrased.

*Common Room*

Everyone, even Todoroki, Bakugo and Tokoyami were excited for Movie and Game night, because Ochako was back to herself. Kyoka and Ochako burst into the Common Room, happy. And Ochako's eyelids were red from tears. Kyoka gave her a nuggie before Ochako sat on the couch. "Okay, everyone, settle down. I know it's Movie and Game night, so let's start off with a little something. Truth or Dare. Ochako, Truth or Dare?" Ochako replied. "Dare. Just nothing overboard." "I dare you to find your crush and text them- can't be Izu." Ochako opened her phone and texted someone, but no one saw who it was. Soon enough, Tenya Iida got a text. Everyone 'oohed' and Iida was confused. Ochako turned to Koda. "Koda, Truth or Dare?" "T- Truth.." He said. "What's your biggest fear?" "Well, I hate bugs... Iida, Truth or Dare?" "Truth." "What excuse have you used before to get out plans with a friend?" "I've never. But I've been close. 'I need to do homework'. It's not much. Midoriya, Truth or Dare?" Izuku and Kyoka just stared at each other then back at Iida. "Izuku." Kyoka and Izuku both said; "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh" "Dare." "I dare you to kiss the person to your left." Izuku turned to his left and sighed in relief. Leaning on the couch to his left was in Fact Kyoka. "Makes it much easier, thanks." He kissed Kyoka, on the lips, for a few seconds before once more playing. 

"Sero, Truth or Dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to compose a poem on the spot based on something the group comes up with." Sero raised his brow. Kyoka tapped Izuku's shoulder obviously having something in mind. Izuku snickered after hearing it. "Okay, the topic is cantaloupe." "Uh- Say, friend! Could you spare some time, For the timid cantaloupe? That humble fruit whose name don't rhyme, 'Cept with 'antelope.' Not fit for tarts, no good for pie, Pale melon sits, dejected. 'I'm tasty!' you can hear it cry — But to whom's the call directed? The lady ne'er looks its way, While enjoying her fruit salad, 'I'm sure the flavor's swell,' she'll say, 'But the color's rather pallid.' The men all pass it up and shout, 'Cantaloupe's for fairies!' (Yet they're always ready to flip out, For oranges and strawberries.) The fruit tends to befuddle Those coarse and less refined, The pastel melon's flavor's subtle — Not counting, 'course, the rind. Do enjoy some, like with ham! Wrapped 'round a slender slice! You'll quickly say, 'Well, damn!' 'Now that tastes really nice!' Or smooth it in a blender On a hot midsummer's day, Then sit back and surrender To a cantaloupe sorbet. Oh, friends! Do reassess Any anti-melon feeling; Say not 'no' but 'Yes, yes, yes!' And soon I'll hear you squealing: 'Cantaloupe, I love you! How firm and how delicious! There's now no fruit above you! You're yummy and nutritious!'" Everyone started laughing. "Uh- Shoji, please go. Truth it Dare?" "Truth." 

"What do most people think is true about you, but isn't?" "Well, this mask. It's not for my quirk and I don't just wear it to look cool. I wear a mask because before my UA days, I scared a kid because of his face. Since I am morally composed, I decided to cover my face up with a mask to avoid hurting anyone else. Kirishima, Truth or Dare." "Dare." "Call the 3rd contact on your phone and sing them 15 seconds of a song that the group chooses. No talking." Bakugo yelled out. "CRUSH SONG!" Everyone burst out laughing. Shoji said. "Very well, who's the third contact on your phone?" "Uh- My- My Mom........!" Everyone just couldn't stop laughing. Even Todoroki and Tokoyami. "This is gonna be good." Tokoyami said. Kirishima called his Mom. "Yea, Eijiro?" They heard his Mom say. Kirshima took a deep breath and started singing. "Hush hush hush, blush blush blush. You are now my big fat crush. I'm single as I can be, you're single perfect for me. I'm gonna give you a bunch of reasons why you should date me." Went on until 15 seconds were up. They overheard Kirshima's Mom get angry. Kirshima shut off his phone and hid his face. 

Truth or Dare ended and  they all headed back to their respective dorms- except for Kyoka, who slept in Izuku's dorm. And Yawka and Aikai, who slept in the nursery in the dorm.


The story isn't over. I'll continue as them as adults. If you're content with how it ended at the end of this chaoter, but don't want them as adults, thanks for reading! You do not have to continue reading this story but thanks anyway! Bye!

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