Black Truth-White Lie

19 3 2

A rich girl actress mystery romance

       There was only two chapters available for me to review but I absolutely love what is published so far. The girl is strong, funny, and overall everything you want from a female lead.

      Now the positive feedback... The grammar was good, the chapter length was perfect, and the cliffhangers definitely left you wanting more. I did not really read enough to give you more than that, but if the writing is this good for the entire book, definitely check it out.

     Now onto the Negative feedback... The author introduced to many characters in too short a time, it is very confusing and I had to reread it just to understand who was who. Maybe just add a cast list, I know I say that a lot but it can help.

     Overall, I want to read more of this book and can't wait for the author to add more chapters...

     Last thoughts... I love your writing style!!?!

Overall... 4.5/5

Grammar and English.... 5/5

Attention keeping capabilities... 4/5

Read it for yourself and change my mind... Have a good day my little birdies... ❤💋



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