My experience with this side chic PART 2

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My experience with this side chic ( continues )

I can tell you that since favour left, my home never remained the same. My wives coming back from vacation didn't help despite all I told her. Something in me told me that she was not satisfied with all I told her but she has to control herself.

So on this faithful night, she woke me up from sleep and was like " I want to discuss something you " my heart raced, a lot of thought came in and left but I needed to feel confident as the man of the house " can't it wait until tomorrow? " I asked but it appears that Naomi really wanted us to talk.

She narrated how she went to the agent to report that favour disappeared from the house without trace and the implications if she took anything from the house or later any security compromise. Favours line wasn't going even while with the agent, her guarantors numbers were also not going through. The agent insisted that the people they hire are trustworthy and not capable of that. The agent requested for favours picture that I have and I brought it out. The picture my wife gave them was different from the one we have here. At this point my wife said she was confused because she actually called the agent and they said that the person was coming and the person that showed up was this favour and there was no need to raise an eyebrow on the identity. I have been paying her salary through this agency and they couldn't find out this until now. I am really not comfortable with all this she said.

I was surprised at her long story that favour wasn't the real house help sent by the agent to our house. Now my question is " who and where is the real house help and who is favour and what was her mission? "

With this being said, I knew that the situation at hand was bigger than I thought. It is actually more than affair. It was a planned, detailed mission but I am in the position to stop my wife from following up this case because if she digs deep my sexual involvement would be revealed and my financial infidelity would be known. Why looking at me like that, infidelity is not having extra marital affair it cuts across money and many other things. My own infidelity was both affairs and finance.


All wasn't well after that night with my going out and coming in. There was this untold silence in our home unlike before. Things were done now out of a sense of duty not commitment to the relationship. I have always known what the problem is but I can only wait for time to heal this wound.

One morning my wife told me that the agency invited her over to their office over the case of favour. That the real favour that was sent to me have been missing and the family and everyone felt she was with me." I don't understand what is going on here"

( Exhales ) I didn't tell you that as all this happened I lost my appetite for food and sex. I was just like waiting for my sins to catch up with me. I have my many regrets, " accepting to have a house help was the genesis, I should have rejected all of it and" stand my ground. I should have been assisting my wife with the works around the house even though it was not my thing I could have done it as a sacrifice for our relationship. After all it wasn't written anywhere that it's only women that should be doing the house chore." You know we could avert bigger situations by doing little things, I have learnt my lesson in a hard way.

I advised her to be plain with her answer to the questions that she would be asked. There was no need to impress anyone just stay true. I offered to go with her so I could support her incase she needs anything ranging from emotional support and all others.

She was happy that I offered to help but I know down within her heart she was not comfortable with what was happening around her. Imagine the twist, few weeks ago she was happily managing her big and rapid growing business and was not bothered with chores at home but all of a sudden she is paying less attention to her business and not only that she is faced again with managing her house and trying to crack a situation involving two favours, one real favour and a fake favour.

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