Chapter 1

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I don't own the beauty and the beast tv show

Catherine's Pov

I had a good child hood growing up had good parents a younger sister we had a good relationship even if she did annoy me at times and had good friends I was close to . It was years later in life where it went down hill for a while I had gone out with my dad for the day because we hadn't spent time together for ages because he had been busy at work which I didn't know what his job was he wouldn't tell me for some reason my mum was the same with her job I didn't know what she did either anyway we had a good day out and it felt good to have gone out with him but on the way back home he seemed on edge and kept looking in his wing mirror on the car I had asked what was up he told me that someone was following us but it was ok he would lose them and it looked like he did because he had relaxed a little bit but not long after the car the was following us smashed into us hard dad tried hard to keep us from crashing but it was no use we ended up crashing and then went upside down it must have looked bad because I heard them stop I'm guessing to look through the window to see how bad it was then I heard them drive off really fast when they left I let out a breath knowing that they were gone I found my phone and called for ambulance and when I had done that I checked to see how my dad was he looked really hurt I checked his pulse and it was weak I didn't have to wait long because I heard the ambulance coming they got us out and into the ambulance.

Next time I opened my eyes I was in a hospital bed when I looked around I saw my mum in one of the chairs when I looked at her and she looked relieved. I looked at her and I had asked about my dad and she told me that he didn't make it she asked if I was ok and I told her I was just a bit tired that's all. She looked at me and asked me If I remembered what happened so I told her what happened and then she told me not to say anything to the police when they get here just tell them you don't remember I had asked her why not she told me to trust her and that she had her reasons so I agreed but only if she told me what the reasons were she told me she would but it wasn't safe to talk about it here.

The police had come and gone I told them what I told the doctor that I don't remember.

When we left we went straight home when we got there mum told me to go pack my stuff to take with me because we were moving some where else when I asked why she told me she would tell me when we was in the car so I went upstairs and packed everything I wanted to take with me and then went downstairs where I saw my mum putting stuff in the car and when she saw my stuff she took it and put it all in the car as well then she went back inside come back out put some stuff in the car then closed it and then went back inside and come out with a big bag then locked and shut the front door so then i put the bag i had in my hand in the front of the car and got in and my mum did the same and then started driving.

After awhile I asked her what the hell is going on and why are we moving she told me that my dad had been working on something that could be used for good but someone he worked with told someone because the next thing you know your dad's office gets broken in to looking for his work that's when he brought his work home on a usb stick and kept it at home when he wasn't at work we later found out there was people out there looking for his work to use it for there own evil needs so i asked her why they didn't go to the police she told me they did when his office got broken in to but it just made it worse so he kind of stopped trusting people who he worked with and it looks they got tired of waiting and decided if he wouldn't give it up they make sure he couldn't continued with it so I ask is that why you wanted me to lie to the police in case it got out that i remember everything that happened and they would come for me she told me yes. Then we stopped talking.

Awhile later i remembered that my sister wasn't with us she was with her friends and was staying over at one of her friends I told my mum that and she was so worried about getting me out that she forgot she was staying at her friends I told her I would go back for her but mum didn't like it cause I would be putting myself at risk but I said she was most likely come with me without making a scene like she would if my mum went which she agreed but didn't like it.

When we got to where we were heading we put the stuff we brought with us into the house and after that we had something to eat then before I went back to pick up heather my mum told me to be careful.

I had phoned heather to see where she was and she told me that she was at one of her friends I asked which one and that I was coming to pick her up.

I got to her friends and picked her up with little fuss and when quickly back to our house we use to live in and told her to pack everything she wants to take with her she asked what was going on I told her that I would tell her in the car and to hurry up it didn't take long to get everything she wanted to take with her I told her to put her stuff in the car while I locked the front door when I had done that I got in the car and drove off.

While in the car I told heather what she needed to know what I thought she could handle she was upset like we all are. We got to new place we was going to be living at mum was happy that we were both here safe. I got out the car I knew what she was gonna ask so I told her we were both ok and I made sure that we wasn't followed that's why we took longer to get here mum looked happy with what had I said so she helped heather bring her stuff into the house so i walked into the house after them.

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