Chapter 4

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I don't own beauty and the beast tv show

Catherine's Pov

When I got up i luckily didn't have a hangover maybe that's because I didn't drink much I don't think Tess did either which is good so got up got dressed and something to before I went to see Vincent before I met up with Tess so I left for his.

I got there and knocked on the door and waited for it to open and when it did it was Vincent I said " you said you wanted to explain last night so now I'm to listen" he replied " yer well i changed my mind" i replied " I'm not doing this hot and cold type of thing I've done it before with someone and it doesn't work so I'm not going down that road again so are you going to tell me what your secret is or do i have to find out for myself" he replied " well you would know about keeping secrets " i replied " you followed my didn't you and some how listened to my conversation with my friend that's the only way you would know about it and just so you know I was going to open up to you and tell you them but now you don't want to tell me what you was going to tell me then I'm just going to find out myself so when you feel like telling me the truth you know where to find me" i walked off and to the car and to the shop where I was going to meet Tess.

I had met up with Tess and we were looking for a drink and a snack when i heard something so I went to go look and there was a guy trying to rob the place and the was a woman with her daughter and her was crying he told the woman to shut her up and she was trying so I walked out and said " of course she is gonna cry and be upset she is scared now put down the gun " he looked at me and said " no I won't " I pulled my gun on him and said " I said drop it now I'm not going to ask again and it will be stupid for you to shoot a cop" he replied " I don't care your in my way " i replied " I can't do that" he replied " so be it " then he shot me in the shoulder so I shot him back and he fell to the floor. I heard Tess kicking the guys gun away then coming to me to check if I was ok and when she saw I shot she phoned for a ambulance telling them what happened so they told her they were on their way so she turned to the woman and her daughter and asked if they were ok the woman replied " they were ok shocked and scared but grateful that Catherine had stepped in and saved them".

The next thing i remember I'm in the hospital and i get a surprise to see a doctor there but when he pulls his mask down it's Vincent i said " hey what you doing here someone could see you" he replied " JT told me what happened and I had to come see if you were ok i thought I lost you" i replied " how did he know and i can't believe you came here " he replied " he heard it off someone he knows and when i heard it I got scared and I will tell you everything when you get home i promise " i replied " ok and I can't believe you risk coming out in the day in public to see me but you need to go because it's only a matter of time before Tess comes in and i don't want you to get caught" he replied " ok I'm glad you're ok bye" then left.

Not that long after Tess did actually come in and told me everything that I had missed and that the woman thank me for saving her.

Later on when I got home and finally got Tess to leave telling her that i will be fine and that she didn't have to worry. Not long after she left I heard a knock on the back door and I knew who it was before I even opened the door and when I went to it and opened it I was right it was Vincent i opened the door fully so he could come in and when he I shut the door and walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa and so did he.

I looked at him and said " you said you were going to tell me something" he replied " yer i did but before I do I just want to say I'm still the same person" i replied " ok" then he said " years ago I was the army while I was there they wanted people to say yes to this experiment and they said it would make you a better soldier you would be doing a good thing which later i found out was bullshit they messed about with our DNA they got what they wanted we were stronger faster but the experiment went wrong they couldn't control what was happening to us so they tried to kill all of us because we were a failed experiment and didn't want anyone to know about it but I got away from them but the people I was with didn't seem to be that lucky tho but I did see a woman and the way out she was talking to a guy but he pulled a gun on her but I fought with the guy so she could get away" I replied " so that's how you got that scar and so it was you who saved my mum then she told me someone had saved her but didn't say who"

I looked at him and then said " who did this to you " he replied " your already danger by knowing this " i replied " please tell me " he replied " they are called muirfield and what's with that look in your eyes it looks like pure hate it can't be just from finding out what they did to me because that look of hate goes deeper than the surface is it me or them you hate" I replied " it's not that i don't hate you it's them I hate you can say we have history" he replied " what do you mean you have history" I replied " I didn't know it at the time but it was them that killed my dad because my dad wouldn't give them what they wanted" he replied " in the news it said you didn't remember what happened or see any of them" I replied " I lied told them I didn't remember anything" he replied " why didn't you tell the cops that were there they could have helped " I replied " they would have made it worst it did the first time" he replied " what do you mean the first time" I replied "they tried before they broke into his office looking for what he was working on but didn't get the results they wanted so if they couldn't have it no one could my mum told me to lie that way I wasn't a danger to them that night we got our stuff and move away somewhere else made my mum feel safe and that me and my sister would be safe it wasn't till my mum found out what they actually were doing at her works that she told them she was going to tell people what they were really doing to people they told her to be quite or she would end up like her husband that's when she found out it was them to blame for his death she got her research and after you saved her she left she came back she looked scared told me some of what happened then said she had to go away for a while and when it was safe she would call me"

He looked at me then said " so you have bad history with them and what was your dad working on " I replied " all I know is that he was going to make something that would help people especially people who felt self conscious because they had bad scarring and other stuff to help people " he replied " how would they know about that and why would they want something like that" I replied " one of his co-worker they decided to see if it could be used for something else and when they found out and they had asked his co-worker what it could do and when they found out they could completely change it to where it could hurt people they wanted it and when he found out what his co-worker had done and betrayed him , he stopped trusting people at his work and was doing some of it there but taking it home and doing a little there to so you could say that the not trusting someone fully especially at work comes from that and can I see what they have done to you " he replied " I'm not sure that's a good idea " I replied " please" he replied " ok just move away from me just in case " I replied " fine " I got up and walked away from him till he was happy with how far I was away.

Then he showed me and I was shocked but I didn't feel scared which was weird then I saw him change back so I went back and sat on the sofa then said "so is that why you freaked out when we kissed or was it truly just a mistake" he replied " I was scared ok if you saw all of me that you would be scared of me and reject me and cut me out of your life that's why I said it was a mistake" I replied " so your saying the kiss wasn't a mistake" he replied " yer and why aren't you scared of me " I replied " I don't know it's weird like I know you won't hurt me it will just take a little time to get use to but that's all and it makes me hate them even more" he replied " ok it's good that you are not going to reject me do you think you could be with me even with the other side of me" I replied " yer it doesn't change what I feel about you" he replied " ok that's good that you could be with me and accept all of me" I replied " you're the one telling JT tho " then laughed he said " thanx for that" then he laughed as well.

A couple of weeks later

I was back at work and nothing exciting had happened because it was mostly paperwork and other stuff because I had been on desk duty from what had happened. Everything with me and Vincent is going great as we expected JT didn't like it at first because it was a risk and I was in on the secret but when he saw how happy we are especially Vincent he come around to the idea which is good. I haven't told any of this to Tess but I know she knows something is going on that I'm not telling her about but I know it won't be long now till she will want me to tell her.

Today was just like any other day but on the way to my car I felt someone follow me I turned around and there was no one there so I turned back around walked towards my car quicker I got to it and opened the car door put my bag in the car and was just about to grab me when I turned around to see who it was and didn't know them so I punched him in the face and so while he was distracted I tried to get in the car he hit me in the back of the head and that's the last thing I remember.

If anyone has any ideas for the cover tell us and if i use it i will give you credit for it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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