Ch1- 𝑵𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒍

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It was Monday, after a nice relaxing weekend kageyama had to face the beginning of the week which to no surprise was not an easy task. He woke to stripes of light peeking through his blinds, he squinted and slowly sat up and just sat there for a few minutes not really wanting to do anything but he had to get prepared for the school day, he looked over to the nightstand to find out the time. The clock showed "5:50", "oh, 5:50 hm." He thought, he yawned slightly before he realised "5:50!?" he stated out-loud he panicked before quickly jumping out of bed. He had ten minutes to get ready, he rushed quickly doing his routine at a sonic speed, he rushed downstairs to see a relaxed Miwa sitting down having breakfast while watching tv "MIWA WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP" he shouted emphasising the annoyance in his voice. Miwa paused to think of an acceptable response but just came up with "I didn't feel like it", Tobio didn't feel like responding so he stayed annoyed in silence.
Tobio quickly got his shoes on, and dashed out the door and started running all way to school hoping not miss any practice time. He finally reached the gym sweating buckets and panting like crazy once he recollected himself he slammed the gym door open "Sorry I'm late!" he called out loud enough for everybody in the gym to hear and was immediately greeted with a "BAKAYAMA I THOUGHT YOU WERENT GONNA COME INN" Hinata exclaimed while he tackled kageyama. "Atleast you made it kageyama" daichi said with a smile. "We were just warming up" daichi continued before he door opened again revealing tsukishima and a yamaguchi behind, "oh I thought we'd finally have a day without the king around" he slightly smirking "shut up!" was what kageyama said before he stormed out the gym to get changed.
After getting changed kageyama was getting kinda hungry and realised that he forgot to have breakfast so he decided to get some milk to drink, when he arrived at vending machine he saw noya and tanaka near but he couldn't really hear what they were saying but from where he was standing they looked extremely suspicious , after he got his milk he decided to go over to them " what are you guys doing" kageyama said with slight interest, tanaka and flinched at the sound of kageyama's voice they slowly turned to look behind them "ooh well we just found this rock!!!" said noya extremely excited over a rock kageyama was slightly confused as to why he was excited to a rock but tanaka followed after noya saying "BUT ITS NOT A NORMAL ROCK ITS LIKE-" "ITS LIKE SUUUPER SHINY" noya interrupted, noya then showed kageyama the rock to his surprise its was actually very beautiful "wow" he said captivated with the "rock". The three started walking back to the gym all fascinated by the rock when they reached the gym door kageyama had opened the door without lifting his eyes from the rock "WOAHH ITS GLOWING!!" noya suddenly exclaimed this had now caught hinata's attention since he had run over to three, tsukishima was glancing over but acted as if he didn't care. "What's glowing?" Hinata said wanting to be in the conversation, at this point the rock glowing abnormally bright which noya was getting scared of so he passed it to tanaka "here I don't want it anymore!" Tanaka was also not enjoying the vibe of the rock so he threw it towards Hinata which he surprisingly caught despite his horrible hand eye coordination "WHY ME?!" he exclaimed panicking still with the rock in his acting as if it was a hot potato before passing it to kageyama. Before he could even pass the rock a blinding light flashed throughout the whole gym.
After everyone had regained their sight what was before had left them all speechless, 6 kageyamas stood before them.

Hey that is the first chapter done, I hope you liked this so I can continue this, this is my first ever story so I do welcome criticism but also fun fact I listened to butter by BTS while writing this! Ya'll should definitely listen to it it's soooo good! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞, anyway that's all! See ya!
Word count: 729


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