Swear 5: Doubt!

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At school...during break time...

I am fantasizing on what happened on our date yesterday and during that night...and I really am very happy just thinking about it!

"Hey! You there Ms.BLOOMING!" -Aika

". . . . . ."



I realized that Aika was in front of me and waving her hands in front of my beautiful face!

"Soooo.... you finally get back to reality! That's good then!"

"Hehehe....Im sorry...im just-"

"You are just too happy that you are now in your own 'fantasy world' with your handsome boyfriend...right?!"

"Y-yes...well, you really know me Aika!..." (>////<)

"Well, of course yes! Im your best friend right?!" ^___^ v

"Right!" :))

"So tell me what happened? I know you really want to tell about what happened yesterday!"

"Well, you know..."

And then I started talking and tell her all that we did in the amusement park... and all what happened!

"But you see... there's this girl who talked to Kiel yesterday at the counter, and i saw her flirting with him...it really bothers me alot..." >___<

"Hmmmm....well, maybe that was just nothing...but you see... a girls instinct is really accurate you know..."

"Waaaaahhh!!! Then you're telling me that he's a LIER?! And he's cheating on me?! NO! I DONT LIKE IT!" T___T

"Hahaha! You really looks funny! Of course im just joking you know! hahaha! :D

"OH! How dare you Aika! What kind of best friend are you?! Hmpf!" (>___< #)

"Im sorry... ok? I was just joking... but im not saying that it wasnt true at all...you should just know all the details first before going into a conclusion....okay?"


"Well, lets just forget it anyway...maybe you are just imagining things...and that may result to some problems you know...."

"Y-yeah...thats true....then i'll just forget about it! Well gonna have a happy life anyway! And also... he promised me....that i'll be the only one..." :))

After class... i go to the grocery to buy some snacks...and before i went home i met Lizzelle, walking with her friends... i guess she's going home now...

"Hey! Lizzelle!" i shouted and waved at her

"Oh! Big sister!! she run and gave me a hug!

"Oh...how sweeet you really are Lizzelle! So where are you going now?"

"Uhhhmmm....I am actually going home right now..."

"Oh, then would you like to go with me? Im going home now too..." ^___^

"R-really? C-can i?" *___*

"Of course yes! You're my cute little sister...right?!"

Th-then....thank you!" ^___^

And we said goodbye to her friends and part ways with them...


"Hmmmm...?? What is it?"

"Y-your boyfriend..."

"Oh? Kiel? Your asking about him? The one you saw at the apartment?"

"Y-yes...h-he's your boyfriend ... right?"

"Yes! Of course he is! Then what's with him?"

"W-well... i saw him with a girl... and that girl was really clinging into his arms tightly..."

". . . . . ."

"I-i think that big sister should know about this...because he's yours right? H-he should not cheat...right?

"Y-yeah...th-thanks for telling me Lizzelle... you really are... a good girl..." I pat her head and hug her tightly...

"B-big sis...you're crying...?"


"Im sorry...big sis...im really sorry... for telling you....this....waaaahhh!!!" she started crying for me too

"No ..its okay...its not your fault... m-maybe...that was just her sister..."

After i heard what Lizzelle told me... i felt like im drowned in darkness and felt like im suffocating.... there were mixed emotions inside my heart....I dont really know... what should i do....

A/N: PLEASE VOTE IF YOU LIKE THIS STORY... I'll really apreciate it!! THANK YOU! ^___^

Pinky Swear by kumikoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon