Chapter 1 :)

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Y/N (your name) POVs

I wake up and I'm in a box yes a box, which is going up. My head really hurts, but I don't know why. Next thing I know that the box is shaking. After while it stops but it's really cold and dark and I see a lot of boxes saying W.I.c.k.e.d. However I then realised I don't remember ANYTHING which really frustrated me. Suddenly which felt like hours the box stops and the doors open and I see a lot of boys, maybe 40 or 50 of them. One of them come really close and says 'it's a girl' and another came down and says 'day one greenie'. Which again really confused me. The 2 boys helped me up and I looked around for a minute or 2. The one of them shouts and says 'get back to your jobs'.

'Hi I'm Alby yes I'm the leader, do you remember your name' he asks! 'Yes I have a name why wouldn't I' Y/N said. 'Well ok then what is your name?' asks again. 'Y/N'. 'Well are you going to tell me where the hell I am or not?' Y/N said. 'Well what do you wanna know', he said. 'What is this placed called' y/n asked. 'Its called the maze but we call it the glade' he said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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