Nowhere to go

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Disclaimer- this will have smut,killing,suicidal thoughts,fluff, and  a little yander! And please be 18+ if you are gonna read this but I can't stop you anyways but enjoy the hisoillu fanfic!

illumi's POV

My parents have given me another mission to find killua and bring him home but I wasn't able too this time so they torchered me and then kicked me out with no money so i honestly don't know what to do know....

I was walking around thinking about all the times i was hurt by my own parents i thought of a time where I was happy but now... it was all pain.
I was done with it all i couldn't stand it! All the pain all of it! I was done suffering.
I noticed I had walked to a large building that was ontop of the water.... I climbed to the top and jumped off ...i knew that if I was gone it would be better for everyone and I knew that nobody would shed a tear on this so i didn't care. As i was falling i just felt at peace it felt wonderful!

Hisoka's POV

I was walking to go meet up with a friend when I saw what looked like illumi falling off a building. i knew that even though this was illumi he wouldn't survive this fall. i started to feel a pit in my stomach. i went to the 66th floor of the building and was able to grab illumi as he was falling i pulled him into the building and into my chest.
illumi!? Yes? Why would you do that!? Because i wanted to. I grabbed illumi's wrist and walked all the way to my house holding his wrist. I had so many thoughts going through my head! Was he alright! What happened! Does he need someone! Can I help him!? I opened the door to my house and pushed him inside. What is this Hisoka some kinda kidnapping? No. Then what? I want you to tell me why you tried to kill yourself. It's does not concern you. Actually yes it very much does concern me. Okay fine I'll tell you well i did it because my parents are the worst i got kicked out with no money or clothes i was tortured my hole life and i was just done with suffering and the pain. As he was telling me i couldn't help but feel my heart ache for him. The way he was raised... to be an assassin to be emotionless to be strong be wasn't taught how to love or make friends. I just didn't know what to do to help him!
Listen illu~ you can stay here with me for as long as you wish~ really Hisoka? Yes~ thank you. Anything for you illu~ *illumi blushes a little bit* okay well where am I going to sleep? In my room with me~
*I blush a little bit* okay that's fine with me I guess?
Now thinking of it I've always thought of illumi a certain way I don't just see him as walking power like everyone else I see him as... well someone who pushes their feelings so far down that he is numb to all feelings I've always cared for illumi in a way but im not sure probably just as a friend!

Illumi's pov

I never expected that I would have to live with Hisoka! I don't know he is just really weird? But he did save me even though i didn't want him too i guess he did it because he cares for me or something? I honestly don't know it was kinda nice of him to let me stay here but why Hisoka? He is always acting fucking horny and he always has that dam smirk on his face! But I guess he isn't terrible?
Hisoka where is your shower? Right this way~ Hisoka walked me to where his shower was 
And gave me a towel. May I join you illu~ No! Awh come on illu~ fine I don't really care. Mmm~
I start to lift up my shirt but noticed hisoka staring at me. Stop staring. I felt myself blush a little bit but ignored it and kept talking of my clothes. Sorry i just like looking at attractive things~ what?
What did he mean by "attractive" my hole life I was always made fun of the way I look. But he thinks im attractive? No he is probably just acting this way because this is how he is and why do I even care.?.. I've always acted a bit different around Hisoka i sometimes even feel a bit happy...

We both got in the shower and I washed my hair as did Hisoka and I started to wash my body I couldn't help but look at Hisoka a few times i mean he was very pretty he had pale porcelain skin he was very strong he had the perfect body his hair was such a pretty red his eyes when you look in them you feel like everything around you just pauses. Me and Hisoka finished washing up so he handed me a towel and wrapped a towel around himself as did i. Mmh did you enjoy your our shower~? Yeah it was kinda relaxing. He hands me a toothbrush and we brush our teeth he then takes off his towel. Hisoka what are you doing? I don't feel like wearing a towel,Do you have a problem with it illu~ No it's fine. After we brush our teeth he takes me by the hand and leads me to his bedroom. It was a really nice room his bed was fucking huge! He hands me shorts and an oversized hoodie i got dressed as did he. illu are you hungry do you need anything?  Uh no? Okay~ I sit down on the bed and grab a pillow and hug it. Hisoka sat next to be I saw his face a little red...
Hisoka your red? No im not! Don't even try lying to me.anyways would you like to watch a movie~ sure.
Hisoka put on a movie and layed back as did i. I was cuddling the pillow still it smells like Hisoka it was comforting to me. illu why not just cuddle me instead~ what isn't that a bit weird? Not to me~
Hisoka takes the pillow from me and pulls me closer to him. I wrap my arms around Hisoka and cuddle into his chests.. he was so warm and he smelt so good. illu you seem to like this~ it's not terrible I guess. My hands felt kinda cold so I put my hand up Hisoka's shirt to warm up my hands.

Hisoka's POV

I felt illumi's hand go underneath my shirt I was honestly really shocked but i didn't mind.
Ohh what is this~ my hands where just cold. Mmm~

Word count... 1161

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