Break down

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Nash POV
I was sitting in my room listening to music when my phone Rang it was Casey Sam my crush and best friends sister I picked up the call she only calls when something has happened
N:hello Casey what's going on
C:it's Sam he's having a breakdown and keeps on calling your name can you come
N:yeah I'll be there in about 10 minutes ok
C:ok thanks bye
I got into my car and grabbed one of my hoodies I drove to Sam's and ran up to his room "Sam shh shh it's my Nash"
He was cry shaking and screaming since it was 3:07am I think he had a nightmare I held him he was gripping onto my arm "Looser" he shook his head "tighter" he nodded so I held him tighter he put his head into the crook of my neck "I'm here Sam ok you're not going to be hurt anymore" "ok" I felt him yawn "do you want me to sleep with you tonight" he nodded I picked him up and laid him on his bed I took off my hoodie and laid down next to him he looked cold "Sam I've got a hoodie if you want it" he nodded I got it and gave it to him "it smells nice" I smiled and kissed his forehead "thank you" he soon fell asleep I just laid there I didn't get any sleep when Sam woke up he saw me "did you not sleep" I shook my head

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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