1: And so it Begins...

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 My heart thumped in my chest. My breathing was fast and jagged, pushing against my tired lungs with every inhale and exhale. My breath was cold as ice and froze down my throat burning as it went through my body. I ran through the corn maze, pushing against the tall stalks as they scrapped my skin leaving behind tiny painful marks. I began to feel dizzy and nauseas as the many corndogs I ate earlier tried to force their way back up. I willed them down as I continued to push forward away from my pursuer. 

I finally made it out of the corn and looked around for any place to hide from my impending doom. I spot a photo booth and make a wild dash for it using every last ounce of my energy after checking to make sure it was safe. I will my exhausted legs to move faster with every step. I burst through the curtains and whip my head wildly around in a state of panic for some place to hide. I see nothing as I realize just how idiotic this move was. I curl up in the corner of the tiny space and curse myself for making this decision. I place a hand firmly over my mouth trying to muffle my crazed breathing and small whimpers. But then...

I hear him outside.

I hear every step he takes.

I hear the way he drags his ax along the cement.

I hear the way he laughs. 

I hear the way he breathes.

I hear the way he taunts me, letting me know that I've not escaped. That he knows where I am. And that he will kill me. 

Tears pool in my eyes as I begin to realize that this was it. This was how I die. Hey, at least I'll be on the news? Right? I will myself to wipe all negative thoughts from my brain and brush away my tears. No. If this is how I die, I'm at least gonna be an arrogant moron about it and try to go out fighting or something heroic like that. I take a deep breath, stand up, clench my fist, and just as I'm about to run through the curtains screaming, ready for a fight, I see it.

Those two muddy boots casting a shadow into the small area. Those two muddy boots standing right in front of the curtain. Those two muddy boots that spelled out the end for me.

I freeze. Starring at those boots. And then, slowly, I see dirty gloved fingers curl around the edge of the fabric as they pull back the curtain to reveal the tall, wide, masked man with the ax.

"Why me!!??" I scream through my tears

"What have I done to deserve this!!!"

He tilts his head, and in one swift movement he swings his ax hits me right in my arm almost taking it off.

I scream out in pain as blood paints the inside walls of the photo booth

He laughs deeply and hysterically. I clutch onto my arm as it continues to bleed. My vision begins to dim and blur as darkness takes over. I blink my eyes closed and the next thing I know I feel myself stumble and fall to ground with a thud. Darkness envelopes me and a warm feeling of peace. 

And then, nothing.


 I woke up with a start. I try to sit up but fail to do so. So, instead I try to look around but everything is blurry. I see bright light and white blobs. I can tell that I'm laying down on a bed and in a small square room. My eyes finally adjust and I realize where I am. I'm in a hospital. A moment of relief mixed with confusion washes over me before I remember what happened. I jump up and look down at my arm. It's a cast but still attached. I sigh in relief but then think back to the entire situation... how had I survived that? I passed out. I thought for sure I'd be dead. Maybe he left? Decided that he didn't want to kill me? But that makes no sense. I scrunch my eyebrows as I try to think of a logical explanation when I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of heels walking on the floor. I quickly turn my head towards the sound. I see a very attractive nurse with long midnight hair and bright red lipstick walking towards me with a smile too wide for her face.

"Hello Mr. Park! Glad to see you're awake. How are we doing?" she asks as she stands by my bed and messes with the wires and tubes connecting me to the machines.

"Oh uh... I'm fine I guess. Thank you. And please, just call me Vincent." I say with a small smile

"Alright then Vincent, don't you worry, you're in great hands."

I smile and nod as I turn my head to look around the small room. I see no windows which is peculiar, and little to no interest in the area. Four walls, all blank and white. White tile floors, and then just my bed with all of the machines in the middle of the wall on the left. Nothing else is in the room. I try to look out of the door the nurse lady walked in through, but the door is shut with no widows. It's also blank and white just like the rest of the room, but come to think of it, I don't remember her ever closing or opening the door to begin with... I have so many questions floating around my brain trying to put themselves together to find an answer that I do not have.

The next thing I know I feel a sharp sting in my shoulder and when I look down there's a giant syringe in my arm and the nurse is pushing some sort of bright purple liquid through the syringe and into my blood stream. I look up at her with confusion prevalent on my face and she looks at me and says with that huge smile

"Oops! Sorry. I guess I should have warned you. I just thought this would be easier."

"I- uh- what is that? What are you... what are you putting in my arm?" I ask

"Oh it's just some medicine to help you sleep."

"Um... o-okay then..." 

I look back down at my arm as she removes the syringe and I see just how long the needle was. My eyes widen as I realize that this was in my arm. Damn. Okay then. I look to the nurse, but she's gone. I tilt my head as yet another question pops into my head, but before I get the chance to think about it any longer, my vision begins to fade and I begin to fall asleep. I try to fight it, but fail mercilessly. And then, yet again that warm feeling of peace.

Then nothing.


 A/N Hey guys, this my second book, I'm still working on my previous one but I just really wanted to get the first chapter of this one out because I wrote this on notebook paper a long time ago but never finished it. I found it the other day and really liked the idea behind it, so decided to make a few changes here and there and rewrite and continue it on Wattpad. Thank you so much for reading my book, I really hope you like it. I have so many ideas for how to grow this story and I wanted to share that with you all. That's it. Thank you. :) (oh and btw chapters will get longer in future, I was just really excited to post this one lol)

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