Chapter 1

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"Lucy! Lucy!" my sister Rikki screamed. "Get up sleepy head!" She charged into our room in our small trailer home. "Get up!" she yelled as she yanked off my covers.

"Rikki!" I mumbled. She smiled triumphantly as she saw me roll off my bed and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I then proceeded to get dressed."I hate you," I growled. Rikki burst we out laughing. I couldn't help but smile myself. I brushed my hair, then looked at Rikki to check how she did her's. It was down, so I put mine in braids. Since me and Rikki are twins, we try to wear different colors and do our hair different so people can tell us apart. we both have blonde, curly hair and are both kind of short.

"Come on let's go to the Juice Net and get something for breakfast." Rikki said. When we got there, I ordered our drinks while Rikki sat down at a table. Once they were ready, I thanked Wilfred and sat. Suddenly, Rikki scowled at someone over my shoulder. I didn't even have to ask who it was.

"Hey Rikki! Or are you Lucy? No one can really tell. You're like freak clones or something" Zane asked us snidely. I looked at Rikki and smiled sarcastically. We both knew that Zane was trying make us mad. being the meanest boy in town, not to mention the richest and the snobbiest,he acted like he could do whatever he wanted. I put on a face of mock suprise.

"WOW Rikki he actually remembered our names! Even when he is such a conceited jerk, he still took the time to remember them. Don't you feel really important Rikki?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yeah I'm on top of the world," Rikki remarked. Zane's smirk turned into a scowl as the entire cafe howled with laughter. "C'mon Lucy," Rikki whispered in my ear, "I have an idea."

Rikki and I were running on the dock to where we new that Zane kept his zodiac. Once we got to it Rikki pulled off the motor cover as I crouched down next to it. "Spark plug?" I asked

"Spark plug." Rikki smirked. I smiled and pulled it out.

" Lets go, I think he is coming." I whispered. sure enough, as Rikki and I slid behind a neighboring boat, Zane and his friend Nate came into view. When Zane tried to start the boat, nothing happened. Nate took off the motor cap to see what was the problem. Zane started throwing a fit. "Mission accomplished!" I said to Rikki as we high fived. We started to walk back up the dock, but then I heard a girl say, "Why me?" I looked over to see a girl with brown hair and dark skin standing in Zane's zodiac

"Because your here Cleo!" Zane replied. "I've been wanting to get rid of it for ages." Cleo sat down, defeated as the boat drifted off to sea.

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