This'll be fun (OHSHC FanFiction)

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*Host Club is now in session*

Koaru’s POV

He’s at it again, staring out the window at that girl. I mean if he likes her he should go and talk to her instead of acting all stalkerish and staring at her all day. Sometimes I don’t think he even notices that he is doing it, he is so oblivious to anything love related, which is kinda hard to believe seeing as he is a damn good host, to him fake love is easy, but when it gets to the real stuff he is sooooo out of his depth. Normally I wouldn’t mind his staring but the host club is extremely busy today and I’m having to manage his customers, not that I mind ;) its just I have my own to take care of and I think Hikaru should learn that if he is going to be a part of this club he needs to keep on track with his guests.

“Hey princesses, I will be back in a mo, I’m just going to go get Hikaru”

As I started getting up I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around to see Tamaki standing behind me, oh great, he had that “look” on again.

“Hey Koaru, why is Hikaru standing by that window again?! This is the 3rd time this week he has completely ignored the club! What is up????”

“God Tamaki calm down, he’s just saying goodbye to the school as he leaves for an English boarding school in the morning to learn how to speak French, oh and also he is renouncing girls”


“Hahahahahaha! Just kidding”

“you jackass, now tell me the real reason why he’s over there acting like an idiot”

“oh he’s just staring at some girl he keeps seeing in the court-yard”

“A girl eh? Lets see her then” he said while walking to the window. When he got there he just stood staring, if I’m not mistaken there was a slight hint of a blush. Oh I can so hold this against him, anyway since everyone else was gawking out the window I figured I would see the girl who everyone was so “interested” in. When I got to the window I saw why Hikaru was staring, she was beautiful. Her hair was a dark mahogany colour and was a short pixie cut. Her skin was a pale ivory colour and matched perfectly with her hair and deep grey eyes. She obviously wasn’t a rich kid like us as she wasn’t wearing the girls uniform, she was wearing black skinny jeans, a white shirt and a black jumper, personally I thought that the clothes she was wearing were better then the yellow dresses the other girls are forced to wear. I could also tell she was very smart, she is just sitting under a tree reading, or staring into space, I couldn’t tell. It took me a while to come to my senses and look away from her. By then the entire host club was staring at her, only because they were all now free as kyoya had told the girls in the clubroom that the host club session had to end earlier as Hikaru was making a complete fool of him self and that kyoya didn’t want the girls to think he was intentionally trying to ignore his customers (not that he told the girls this), anyways I was starting to get bored so I decided to hit Hikaru over the head to snap him out of it.

“Oww! Kaoru what was that for?”

“To get you to stop gawking at her like an idiot” I said as I pointed towards her.

“I wasn’t!”

“shut up, you soooooo were”

“so what if I was, got a problem?”

“no, I just think that if you want to meet her, which you obviously do, then you should got for it and send her a note”

“but I cant! I barely know her! She will think I’m a stalker!”

“oh and staring at her from a window isn’t stalker-ish at all” I said laughing, then I noticed Hikaru blush and I stopped.

“want me to do it?” I asked in a reluctant tone, ugh first the guests now this? I need a life.

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