Chapter Four

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“So, girls.” Kitty puts her arms around Syd and me as we walk from the dining hall. “Word on camp is the guys are planning a little extra orientation for us.”

“Really?” Syd chuckles. “And pray tell, what are we going to do to prepare for said orientation?”

Kitty’s eyes gleam evilly. “We’re going to beat them to it with an orientation of our own.”

She draws the ten of us into a huddle and runs down a quick plan.

“Meet me here in five. Wear black. I have duct tape.” Kitty smiles. “Bring any weapons that you have.”

Everyone nods and runs off. I shake my head. Why hadn’t Kitty been this ruthless when we were campers? College has bred a new sense of confidence for both her and Syd.

As we run to the cabin, freedom floods over me. I might not be a cool counselor, but at least I remembered what is important—a Super Soaker. Tomorrow, I will lock my phone in one of the counselor lockers and will only check it when I want to call home. Gage’s number was now blocked and I’ve deleted my Facebook account. No one from camp can find out the truth about me now.

The girls meet back in five and we sneak over to the guys cabins, squirt guns in hand. Lights illuminate long shadows of oblivious guys planning something we’re about to foil through the windows of Dogwood. Kitty gives the signal and quietly unrolls the glowing green tape into twelve 3-foot long pieces, dolling them out one by one. With sweaty hands, I sneak up last and tape my piece across the door frame.

Inside, I hear running water and evil laughter. I stifle my giggle. Whatever they’ve planned, the first victim is about to get a full soaking before being able to exit. After the all clear signal from Kitty and the rest of the girls are hidden, I pound on the door and scurry off the deck. I join Syd and we aim our guns at the door. I can’t help busting up into laughter as Brady tries to get out of the cabin first, incasing himself with duct tape.

A screen flies off the window and into the bushes, narrowly missing Kitty’s head.

“Babe!” Matt yells. “When I find you, you’re going to regret…”

His last mouthful is met with a stream of water.

“Love you, too, babe!” she calls out.

He yells something intelligible, clambering onto the ground, a Super Soaker in hand.

She squeals and runs, his spray hitting her all across her back, illuminating her retreat.

“Crap,” Syd whispers next to me, “there’s glow stick gunk inside their guns.”

Before I can respond, a green spray of water shoots over our heads. “Run!”

We get to our feet and head in opposite directions. Operation Orientation has met its match. I book to the next cabin and hide behind it. Shrieks and laughter fill the air. Luckily, after a quick inspection, I’ve adverted being tagged with the glowing goo. Peeking around the corner, I watch Syd get soaked in a losing war against Kellan and Dirk.

I fire at them, hitting Kellan in the back, then take off around to the front of the cabin to get Dirk.

“Oh, no you don’t.” Arms circle around me, pinning mine down. A hard chest meets my back as my abductor holds me hostage. “You’re coming with me,” he whispers in my ear.

Heat scrawls across my skin, filling my belly with anticipation. I scream for Syd, faking my struggle. A swift stomp on his foot or a jab to his ribs would have gained me freedom, but I didn’t want to hurt anyone.

“Let me go, Brady,” I demand.

“Brady?” His grip lessens.

I swivel around and meet long lashes framing brown eyes, squinted and questioning. “Who are you?”

A stream of water hits my hair and I duck, as the cute stranger is doused in glowing liquid. He snatches my hand, pulling me close and makes me his shield.

“I’m on your side,” he calls out to the guys.

“Let me go.” I tried to wiggle free and inhaled his spicy and salty scent.

“I can’t,” he breathes in my ear. “You’re my ticket into the club.”

“Club? What club?”

Within moments all eleven girls are brought to Dogwood, held captive and struggling. One by one, each guy ties the girl’s wrists with bandanas. Syd gives me a look, questioning me with the quick flick of her gaze to the guy holding me. I shrug. I have no idea who this guy is. The scary part though, he totally makes my stomach do backflips. This is not good. Not good at all.

“What do we do with them?” Matt asks.

Dirk stands on the deck with his stupid pirate beard hanging at an angle off his chin. “What say you men?”

“The plank!” a few call from the back.

I slump back as the stranger ties my wrists together.

“Great,” I say sarcastically. Yes I’m hot and sweaty, but the water will be cold.

“Can’t swim?” The sparkle in his eyes penetrates me.

“Hardly,” I say, laughing. “I’m the lifeguard,” I lie.

“Oh.” He arches a brow before he marches me in line with rest of the group. “I guess you know where to go then.”

I frown. Had this been his first time on the grounds? “You still haven’t told me your name.”

“I didn’t give it.”

I suck in a breath, enjoying the banter. “You’re the latecomer?”

“Yes,” he inclines his head, waiting for me to fill in the blank. “And you are?”

“That’s top secret,” I say with a chuckle.

“Oh, I see.”

He moves alongside me and I see my opportunity to run. Bolting away from him, he whips around and snatches my wrists. “Oh, no you don’t. If you get away, I’ll never get any respect from the others.”

I smirk. “Couldn’t we make a deal?”

“Possibly, if there is something you have that I want.” He winks.

My cheeks heat and I’m glad he can’t read the naughty thoughts floating through my mind. “I’m sure there’s something.”

He laughs again, a bright sound that holds so much mystery, and I know this flirting is crossing into the danger zone, yet I refuse to stop it. Gage had been the same for me. A little attention, a smile, a wink. I won’t do it again. I will stay guarded.

As the group files into the pool area and presses onward toward the high dive, the newcomer lets go of me. I join the other girls lined up against the wall. Dirk drawls out our charges in his pirate accent. New Guy catches me staring at him and rewards me with a lopsided grin that tickles my insides. Holy heck, he is giving my resolutions a run for their money. As we are about to be escorted to the plank, Dirk notices him.

“Hey, Logan! My main man!” He bumps fists with Logan and the two embrace. “I’m so glad you’re here. You totally got me out of a jam.”

Logan, I think, letting his name roll around in my brain, before shutting it all down.

“Hey,” Logan shrugs, “anything for you.”

As Dirk introduces Logan to the group, Syd leans in and whispers. “Yum. I’m just saying.”

I chew on my lip and watch his easy-going way with the other counselors. Then his brown eyes drift my way, and I look away, caught. I lift my chin, bound and determined. Even as cute as he is, Logan isn’t getting through my wall. No one’s going there. Not on their life.

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