Chapter 16

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Abby woke up several mornings later her little eyes blurred at first by tears, "I have to find Uncle Dean," she said aloud climbing out of bed and heading down the hall toward Dean's room.

"Hey Abby what are you doing out of bed so early in the morning," Jack asked as he came back from the kitchen and getting a drink.

"I need to find Uncle Dean. I had a bad dream and it was about daddy but I don't want to tell him," Abby admitted her eyes beginning to shed pent-up tears.

"Would you be willing to talk to me about it while we go toward Dean's room," Jack asked hoping to calm Abby before it only caused Dean to freak out more than he was going to.

"I don't know," Abby answered truthfully wiping at her face so she could see Jack better.

"It might help me if I need to explain something that you can't to Dean," Jack offered watching the little girl carefully.

"Ok," Abby answered taking in a breath, "I saw someone I don't know who this person is bring others and coming here to kidnap daddy. I saw Uncle Dean get hurt but they didn't do anything to me just told me not to tell anyone or they would harm daddy," Abby finished as they arrived at Dean's door.

"That sounds bad," Jack stated hugging Abby as they opened the door and went in quietly, "Let me wake Dean up since he's what Cas calls an angry bear," he finished shaking Dean's shoulder hard and calling his name.

Dean jumped pulling out his gun before quickly putting the safety on, "What's wrong you two," he asked sitting up and wiping at his eyes as Abby climbed into the bed crawling into his lap.

"Abby said she had a nightmare about Sam," Jack answered for Abby giving Dean a real concerned look, "She said someone's coming to kidnap him from here and you get hurt," he added.

"Abby," Dean said her name with an edge to it. He pulled her head up to look at him, "What did you dream about and see? You can tell Uncle Dean anything you know that," he finished pulling her back from him a bit.

"I saw bad people coming to kidnap daddy and you get hurt pretty bad, Uncle Dean. They don't hurt me but tell me I'm not allowed to tell anyone," Abby answered tears streaming down her face.

Dean pulled her into a hug, "Shhh, don't cry Abby we'll figure this out I promise," he said looking at Jack, "Go get Cas and wake up Sam and mom tell everyone to meet me in the war room in fifteen minutes," He added motioning Jack off nodding that all would be okay with Abby.

For several minutes all was quiet till Abby finally sat back and looked at Dean, "Uncle Dean I don't want to lose daddy and I don't want you hurt. Please tell me that this won't happen," Abby pleaded eyes wide with fear.

"I can't promise this won't happen but I can promise that no matter what we'll protect your daddy and me from getting hurt or taken away okay, monster," Dean answered helping her down from the bed and getting up. He took her hand and led her from his room back toward the war room glancing briefly to realize it was four in the morning.

Dean led the little girl into the war room where she promptly let go of his hand and ran to her father who was still trying to wake up, "Daddy!" Abby admonished climbing quickly into Sam's lap and clinging to him.

"Abby sweetheart it's okay calm down," Sam said looking over at Dean.

"She had another nightmare and apparently it involves you being kidnapped and me getting hurt," Dean answered shaking his head at Sam.

"Sweetie can you tell us exactly what this bad person looked like," Mary asked catching Abby's attention.

Abby thought for a moment before answering, "He was an older-looking man with a beard and wearing a white suit. He had these eyes that were all yellow and when he talked he had a weird accent."

Everyone looked at one another each face showing the concern mirrored in the other, "Just what we didn't need, Asmodeus," Dean answered aloud sighing.

"I'm certain Abigail's description is Asmodeus but why would he go after Sam," Cas said shaking his head, "We need to find out what he's after and why it involves Sam."

"In my dream, he said something about ruling the world but he had to have daddy to do it," Abby answered turning to look at Cas.

"Did he say anything else in your dream?" Dean asked his eyes trained on her.

"He said something about getting revenge on another angel but I only can remember it started with a g," Abby answered cuddling closer to Sam.

"Does the name Gabriel sound familiar," Sam asked holding Abby tight against him.

"Yes, he said that the angel was broken and that he had stolen his grace but escaped and now because of that he had something else that would help him to rule everything," Abby answered turning to look at her father, "Daddy did you have the same dream? How did you know the angel's name," Abby asked.

"No sweetheart but I do know the Angel because he's helped us before. Gabriel's like Cas a good angel," Sam answered as Abby finally yawned the early morning meeting and not a lot of sleep finally beginning to overwhelm her.

"Well at least we know who's coming and that Gabriel's somewhere out there and not in Asmodeus' hands but now the question is how do we find Gabriel and see if he's even able to or would help us," Dean stated giving everyone a small shake of his head wondering what lay ahead for all of them and if any of them would survive.

"Jack and I will look for Gabriel while you three try and prepare for Asmodeus and find out exactly what he would want Sam for," Cas said motioning Jack up and both fluttering out of the bunker to begin their search.

"Well first things first, how about a little more sleep then we'll start on this in a few hours when we're all a little more rested," Dean said as he helped up Mary who'd almost dozed off up and Sam got up to carry Abby back to bed before going back to bed himself. Dean followed suit each one worried about the events coming.

Please review and tell me what you think of the story so far. I'm so curious about everyone's thoughts.

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