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Tae took two days off from his office to stay with Jungkook...

Even though nothing much happened....kookie was very afraid...
He was even afraid to go to washroom..

He wouldn’t let Tae go anywhere... not even in the washroom....

And Jungkook would cry in his sleep...too....


But two days passed quickly...

Tae's office wont guarantee more holidays...And Tae was at lost... Jungkook's condition didnt get better but worsened....

Tae was being ready to go to office...

And Jungkook was crying sitting near him while cutting apple for his hubby...Kookie doesnt want Tae to go...

Tae decided to take kookie with him....
And kookie was happy hearing it..


As Tae told Jungkook to get ready...
Kookie's facial expression darkened...
Like its not kookie anymore...

Jungkook smirked...

And pointed the knife at Tae.

And laughed like a maniac

"U'll be dead before u can take me away from him!"- Jungkook said in a female voice..

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