maybe its a change? (PT2)

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Sadly, the night came to an end and it was now the next day. I was the first one to wake up. I looked over to see Mina still hugging me while she was asleep. As I tried to get up, she pulled me back next to her, "Mm don't go anywhere"

"Mina it's 9 am, we have to wake up" I stood up and as I was about to go, Mina grabbed my hand and pulled me onto her

"I said don't go anywhere yet, stay a little longer" our faces were inches away from each other

"But we have things to do and Yena-" I was cut off by the peck on my lips.

"Shh~ Yena's probably still sleeping" she smirked

I rolled my eyes, "Fine.. only for a little bit"

I lay back next to her and we cuddled for a while. I never thought I would say this, but her arms felt warm and safe. I didn't want to leave them. It was the best feeling ever. She stroked my hair and trailed her hands along my spine. I wrapped my arms tighter around her. Soon enough, it started to rain again. The sound of the rain felt calming and it made the atmosphere more relaxing. Just then, I had to ask Mina something, "Mina?"

"Mm?" She hummed

"Now all of this has happened, do you like me?"

"No" she smiled

"Come on.. be honest"

"I said no" she looked at me with her drowsy eyes

"Fine then, I don't like you either" I crossed my arms and turned away from her

She giggled, "I don't like you tho".. she came closer to my ears and whispered, "I love you"

I tried not to smile, "That's what I thought" I turned back towards her

"Now you got your answer, let me ask you something.." she placed her arm around my back

"Go on.. what is it?" I looked at her

"Do you wanna go out with me?" She smirked

My cheeks blushed and I ended up smiling, "Hmm.."

"It doesn't matter what you think, you're mine anyway" She kissed me

I smiled at her, "I love you"

"I know you do" Mina closed her eyes

Those were the best words I heard since we ever met. Maybe that night did change her. I wanted to ask her why she treated me so differently in the beginning tho. However, I decided that it wasn't the right time to. I checked the time once again and it was already 9:20, "Mina let's get up now" I sat up

"Do we have to?"

"Yes, we have things to do today" I got off the sofa and stretched my back


"Come on" I grabbed her hands and tried to pull her up

"Calm down, I'm getting up" she stood up and for some reason, she felt way taller

"You're so short" She looked down at me

"Hey, I'm not that short" I pouted

She bent down, until she was face to face with me, "Yes, you are" She pecked my lips and stood back up

I crossed my arms, "whatever"

"Go get ready and check if Yena is awake, I'll make breakfast" she smiled

"Okay" I left and went upstairs

I quickly got dressed and slowly went into Yena's room. She was fast asleep and I didn't want to wake her. I decided to let her sleep for a bit more and went back downstairs. Mina was standing there making breakfast and I crept up behind her, "Heyy~" I back hugged her

"Oh hello" she turned around and looked at my outfit "You look gorgeous" she smiled

I blushed a little, "thank you" I put my head down

"Here I finished making breakfast" she laid it out on the table

"Oo it looks really good" I sat down

"All for you" she sat next to me "is Yena awake?"

"No, I checked-"

Just then we heard Yena come downstairs, "Good morning guys"

"Hii" I smiled at her

"Oo who made this breakfast?"

"I did" Mina looked at her

"Then it must taste really bad"

"Shut up" Mina rolled her eyes

"I'm kidding..." she started eating "also, were you guys watching a movie last night, I could hear so much moaning" she laughed

Iand Mina looked at each other and then looked away

"Yeah, we were," Mina said

"Mhm.. anyways.. what should we do today?"

Let's just have a chill day at home," I said

"That sounds great" Yena replied "I'm done eating" she got up and put her plate away

"Me too" I did the same

Yena went back upstairs and left me and Mina alone in the kitchen. I turned over to Mina, "She heard us?"

Mina stood up "It's okay, my excuse was realistic enough" she smirked

"I hope it was"

"I told you not to be loud" she bent down until we were face to face
itIt's it was"

"No it-" She placed her finger over my lips

"Shhh~, no more" and stood back up

I pouted and turned away, "okay"

She back hugged me, "let's go sit in the garden"

"Oh okay"

We both went outside and Mina sat down first, "aren't you gonna sit?"

"No not on the bench" I sat on her lap and wrapped my arms around her shoulders "over here"

"Even better" she smirked

"The weather is pretty outside" I looked up

"mhm.. you're prettier tho" she kissed my neck

I looked over and blushed, "o- oh "

"you're blushing" she caressed my cheek

"I am? You made me blush.."

"And is that a bad thing?" She moved closer to my face

"N- no.."

"Exactly" She moved away

I laid my head on her shoulder and rested it there. We watched the clouds move slowly and listened to the birds chirping away. It was a relaxing time for me and I felt safe.

Weeks passed by and I eventually went back to my house and it was also time to go back to studying again. The college reopened and we all had to start the same routine again. I woke up and got dressed, I was looking decent today, I had breakfast left the house in a good mood. Mina and Yena probably left before me, so I got on the bus and headed on. I decided to message Mina and see where she was.

Me: Hey

Mina: Yo

Me: are you already in class?

Mina: no, I'm in that one room

Me: Oh okay, I'll be there soon

Mina: okay, but don't act like we're together or anything.. especially when there are a lot of people around.

Me: alright, bye <3

Mina: bye

A few minutes after messaging, I arrived at the campus and stood outside. I thought to myself "how should I act? Will Mina start acting tough against me again? Will people suspect anything?"

There was too much going on in my head. I took a deep breath and walked in.

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