Chapter 1

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Lisa POV

I'm here now in the classroom waiting for class to end because after this it's breaktime

Btw let me introduce myself, I'm Lalisa Pranpriya Manoban, I'm from Thailand and moved here in Korea for my family and also to my future company, I love dancing and rapping,also I'm smart but lazy HAHA I admit it

Back in reality

Class is still not over

I'm fcking hungry right now but this professor continue discussing something boring, we have no time to eat because this professor use our breaktime, the other students are already outside while us we're still here in the classroom

My foot is restless because I'm fcking irritated

If I can't stand it anymore, I'll shout it's breaktime

Like hell I want to finish this boring class

"Bro, I'm hungry" my seatmate mumble

"Me too bro" I mumble

"Ugh I hate this professor" my another seatmate angrily said

"Easy bro easy" I make her calm

"I can't stand it anymore I'm fcking hungry" my friend irritably said

"Don't worry, I'm going to shout if she continue discussing" I mumble

"Okay class dismiss" when I heard that words from my professor I immediately went outside the classroom

"Don't forget to answer your assignment" she said

I don't care about your assignment, I'm really hungry

I run as fast as I can because I want to be first in line
And when I'm near in the cafeteria

My eyes widen when I bumped someone and it's hard

I fell in the floor and same to the person that I bumped

"Ouch" I groan and massage my arm as I feel hot in my long sleeve

I immediately stood up and remove my long sleeve

Luckily I have t-shirt

"It's hot ouch ouch" I groan

When I remove my long sleeve

I looked at the person that I bumped

And my eyes widen when I bumped the Popular Student in our University

I saw her glared at she clinched her fist, she was also spilled with a hot drink

I gulped but I need to calm

"Oh fck Lisa" my friend shockingly said

"Aren't you going to stand?" I confidently said

"WTF" she angrily said and immediately stood up

And when she stand up her head is only in my chin

I try not laugh because of her height

She's so small HAHAHA

"Oh I thought you couldn't stand up" I said calmly

She glared at me "I have feet idiot" she irritably said and rolled her eyes

"Well I think you're okay, I'm going to eat" I said calmly and leave her but....

"Hey! You spilled my favorite drink in my expensive clothes! And you just leave me" She angrily said as her voice raised

"How much? I can pay you" I said and get my wallet

"Wtf I don't need your money, I can afford it and also I can buy the company" she boasted

"So what's your problem?" I asked and frowned

"You put dirt on my t-shirt and you spilled my favorite drink because you're running so fast!" She shout

"Yah! Don't shout, I know it's my fault so I'm sorry" I apologize and make her calm

"Do you know me right? Sorry is not enough to me, so kiss my foot so that I can forgive you" she sarcastically said and smirk and crosses her arm

"Hey! I'm not stupid to do that!" I shout and I brought my face close to her "Not because you're bad bitch here and you're the daughter of the owner of this University I'm going to do that" I said calmly and move my face more to her face

I touched her nose using my nose "But I can kiss you" I teasingly said and smirk

She push me hard, luckily I balanced myself

"Pervert!" She shout "Remember this day bitch" she warned me and leave us

I shake my head and rolled my eyes

I looked around and everyone looking at me

"Is there an artist?" You can have your own business" I seriously said and just go inside the cafeteria

I'm so fcking hungry

I'm just wasting my time in that spoiled brat girl

"Woah bro what's that?" Seulgi asked

"You're brave bro" Jisoo said and punch my shoulder

"Ouch" I groan "Just shut your mouth guys I'm not in the mood right now" I irritably said

They giggle "Bro you messing up in that girl? Okay your life will be ruined here" Jisoo said and tap my shoulder

I shake my head and line up

"I can handle her so don't worry" I said and get a tray

"She's a small girl" I added and chuckles

"Even she's a small girl, she can fight you" Seulgi said

"I know bro" I said and smirk

"I hope you can do it bro" Jisoo and Seulgi said

And they go first

Well they right, my life here in the University will be ruined

Not the same as before

I just sighed and follow my friends

I'll relax myself first

Aish fck this life


To be continued....

Note: Sorry for some errors that you see in my story

English is not my first word so I hope you understand

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