Chapter Five - Traversing Town + the Hollies

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(A/N) - This is the last part I've written with the AI so far, so it may be a little while before there's a new chapter - Just a warning! - Exza~x

Lister and Rimmer showed me around the neighbourhood before we headed into the main town. I insisted on us walking, since I didn't have money to be spending on the bus when it could come in handy in other situations. Of course, I didn't tell them that. They really didn't need to know their roommate was piss poor at the moment.

The promenade against the pier and beach front was nice, bright colours floating around, small seaside casinos. A few cafes dotted the front, and I assumed one of them was Holly's.
The sea was choppy with how the weather had been recently, but it was beautiful. Something so mesmerising about the darkness and dimness of the dull clouds and cold chill. I pulled out my phone, taking a picture once I'd found a good angle.

Lister and Rimmer stopped in their tracks.
"Thats a good shot." Lister told me over my shoulder, looking at my phone.
I looked up pulling the phone back down and shrugging with an awkward smile. "What are you guys doing?"
"Watching you take a picture." Rimmer told me. "Of what?"

I shrugged awkwardly, putting my phone back in my pocket. "Just the sea..."
"But it's not sunny?" Lister asked, confused.
"It's still amazing... I mean, I guess I like it better like this. You know, the seaside's usually packed with people and everything, but when the weathers like this is almost... melancholy. Haunting, I guess..." I shook my head, turning away and continuing walking, feeling embarrassed. "Ignore me."

Lister continued walking with me, Rimmer stayed for a moment to look out over the dark sea front, before following once again.
"You like the cold?" He suddenly asked.
"What?" I asked, confused once again.
"Well I can't think of why anyone would wanna move here in the autumn, really." Lister shrugged in his leather jacket.

"I like the cold, but I guess I just wanted to get away from everything..." I answered, not really wanting to talk about it. "I guess lack of money brought me here to you guys." I admitted.
"You don't think there's anything better here?"
I raised a brow. "Like what?"
He tucked his hands into his pockets, looking out to the dark sea. "Well... like a job, for a start."

I chuckled. "I'm working on it..."
"What about your art?" Rimmer suddenly asked from a step behind us, and I stepped slightly away from Lister so he could join in our group walking instead of trailing behind.
"Ever heard of the term 'struggling artist'?" I smirked. "I do sell some pieces but... its not enough to sustain me."

"Well, you'd better get a job. You need to be able to buy paints, canvas, that kind of stuff."
"Or..." I looked to the side, lowering my voice. "I could use it to actually pay rent and make the place a bit... nicer." I shrugged. "Maybe..."
"Eh, what's wrong with the place?" Lister asked, grinning showing he was joking as he nudged my side.
I rolled my eyes with a smile. "It's a bit..."

"Horrible?" Rimmer finished off with a smile.
I nodded. "Just a tad... don't get me wrong, it's not the worst place I've seen by far, but... there's not much character, other than it being so many floors and so thin..." I shrugged.
"What about your flat mates?" Lister joked.
I chuckled. "Horrible, dirty, loud? Yeah you can imagine." I rolled my eyes, showing I was joking.

"Ah, well that's obvious." Rimmer frowned.
I looked to him. "Oh? Why?"
He shrugged. "Just because Lister is the messiest human being alive doesn't mean you should rope me in with that category." He pouted, and I struggled not to laugh at him.
"Oh, fine, fine." I sighed.
Lister shivered, rubbing his hands together. "Let's get some hot drinks, I'm freezin'."

We stopped in a small coffee shop, with three seats at the counter. After ordering our drinks, Lister's fingers went to his lips, and he loudly sucked them.
Rimmer frowned as if Lister was the most disgusting specimen he'd ever seen. I giggled at the two.
The man placed the drinks down in front of us, Lister already supping on his coffee by the time mine and Rimmer's hot chocolates were ready. "Thank you." I told the man, who smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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