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Jade's POV:
Raymond boarding school, the school for troubled kids. My new home for next few months. You might wonder how I got here. It's a simple story actually. I got into this huge fist fight with this girl. She had it coming tho. She would always make the most annoying remarks which made me want to pull her hair out off her head. So I did, and I also broke her arm... Not one of my finest moments. My parents were furious and the school board decided to expel me. No other normal school wanted to take me in, I don't blame them. And now I am in a new school with no friends, I don't know anyone. "A new chapter" as my mom keeps on telling me.

I just arrived at the high school with my parents. "First we're going to meet the principal and then they'll  assign you your dorm honey" my mom said. I could hear the disappointment in her voice. My dad had been silent during the whole ride. I understand why tho. Who wouldn't be upset if they're only child ended up in a school for troubled kids? Plus the price of the school wasn't cheap. I'm pretty sure my grandparents helped out a little, which obviously made me feel guilty. "Honey take her suitcase please" my mom asked my dad. As we were entering the building I saw everyone staring. This was very uncomfortable. Thankfully the bell rang and everyone left to class.

My parents were arguing as we tried to find the principal's office. The school was huge. I heard they have a swimming pool, a tennis court, a football field and even a golf yard.

After about 15 minutes of looking everywhere we found the principal's office, finally. My dad knocked on the door. We could hear someone getting up, probably to open the door. " You made it!" The man said while opening the door. "Hello, it's an honour to finally meet you Mr. Richardson" my dad said. "Please, sit" the principal said with a happy tone. He looked pretty old, about 55-ish. "We are very pleased to finally welcome Jade into our school. Although she got into a pretty brutal fight she seems like a bright student; 4.0 GPA, perfect attendance and you play tennis if I'm not wrong?" "Yes sir" I said with an awkward smile. "We're sure Jade won't cause any trouble" my mom said. " We'll the dorms in the girls halls are full so we decided to give her a room in the boys hall." "What do you mean?!"my dad said with an angry tone. " Don't worry she won't have to share her dorm because she's with the boys."
"That's okay I suppose" my mom said.

"Here's your key, your dorm number is 145, if there's any trouble don't hesitate to come by my office" the principal said. " It was a pleasure meeting you Mr. Richardson" my dad said. "The pleasure is mine". "Okay let's find that room of yours" my dad said.

No one was in the hallway because they all had class. "Here it is!" my mom said. My dad put my suitcase in my room. The room was pretty big for a dorm. Probably because it's meant for two people. I guess having a dorm in the boys hall has it's perks. "I guess this is when we say goodbye" I said with a sad tone. I hugged both of my parents very tight. "You know we'll always be proud of you." My dad said as he smiled. "But please don't kill anyone" my mom said jokingly. We said our goodbyes and finished hugging. "Ok it's time to leave" my dad said. " make sure call every so often" my mom reminds me. "We love you" they said. "I love you too".

It's been a while since my parents left. I had already unpacked my suitcase and decorated my 'bedroom'. I was supposed to go to class but the principal said I could skip today's classes and start tomorrow for 'a fresh start'. A fresh start huh?

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