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Their projects are due at the end of January. So it's their last week to work on them.

They sat at Cam's house in his room, on their computers, with headphones in so they wouldn't see or hear each of their projects.

Lay did a slideshow writing, she got any pictures of them that were appropriate of course, and she put them on a slideshow, some had words on them. The song Stay Tru by Mereba played in the background.

It's a calm song, has nothing but everything to do with their friendship. Talks about how they should stop playing around and be together. So it has nothing to do with their friendship but everything to do with their relationship. Nobody would catch on unless they knew them behind closed doors.

Lay's not going to be with him right now but she will eventually. She herself doesn't feel ready to get in another relationship after the last.

He's her bestfriend though, they are soulmates even if it's just platonic, their souls are connected.

Cam has a video of the two playing Just Dance in his basement. He's using that video but Pon de Replay over it because Lay loves her some Riri.

After the video of them dancing is over Cam has recorded an audio of him speaking about the type of person Lay is while it shows pictures of her and some with him in it.

The took their earbuds out at the same time, looking up for their computers.

Lay- "you finished?"

Cam- "yup, are you?"

Lay- "yessuuurrrrrr"

He giggled at her.

Cam- "well I'm as hungry as you, wanna go eat"

Lay- "are you calling me fat, Paul?"

Cam- "yes, now can we go eat"

Lay- "I- no ima just stay here"

She said crossing her arms sitting back on the headboard. Cam shrugged and started putting on his coat and shoes.

Lay- "bring me chicken nuggets"

Cam- "no"

He said heading out the door.

10 minutes into Cam being gone Red came into his room.

Red- "hiii pweety girl"

Lay- "hi baby Red"

Red got on the bed, sitting next to Lay and laid on her lap.

Lay- "you ok"

Red- "yes just stressed"

Lay looked at the child with confusion but a slight smile on her face.

Lay- "stressed? stressed about what you're not even 10 yet"

Red- "it's this boy"

Lay- "don't let your brother hear you say dat"

Red- "he can't hit a kid"

Lay- "yea you would think that, but continue"

Red- "so he gave me one of his toys and said I could have it, but it was a car, I don't play with cars and I told him that but he said 'I want you to have it because it's me giving you something I love', like what's that suppose to mean"

Lay- "it means he likes you"

Red- "ewwww, Cammy said boys only want one thing"

Lay- "did he say what that one thing was"

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