Problem #1--Boys

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    Boys! They're cute, adorable, and sweet. However you have guys who are mean, snotty, and arrogant and the inside of them is ugly. We as christian girls should associate and take interest, romantically, in those who put Jesus first and us second, and show the fruits of the Spirit. Now everyone isn't perfect and I so get that, but you should strive to date a guy who loves Jesus with all of his heart and is sweet, because who doesn't like a guy who's a sweetie pie? 

 Bible verse: 

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?"-- 2 Corinthians 6:14

    This verse is talking about a believer NOT being in romantic relationships of any kind with nonbelievers. Believers and nonbelievers don't mix like vinegar and oil! We are incompatible and a lot of ways and will cause problems later in your marriage, like the way you raise your children, what goes on in your household, etc. So find a man who is on common ground and is christian. It'll save you a life of relief if you marry a man who is a believer and you won't have to worry about arguing about how your kids or raised, etc.

Do's and Don't's. 

DO talk to nonbelievers but don't get too close to them to where they can persuade you to do as they do. 

DON'T missionary date. Yes I've heard of this, but normally the christian is the one who ends up turning out like the unsaved person rather than the unsaved person turning out like the saved person. It normally fails every time, only some times work which is really dangerous to do, because you could potentially backslide. 

DO witness God's love to that guy for him to accept Jesus. If you really like an unsaved person, then lead him to the Lord and if he truly gets saved then go for it!

DON'T assume that EVERY guy you meet that says their a christian are. See if you can see the fruits of the Spirit. Ask him when he got saved and when he was born again. Ask him what salvation means to him, and if he can't answer these questions then send him on down the road girl! 

DO be nice and don't be rude. If a nonbeliever ask you out. Kindly turn them down by stating that you just want to be friends!


    "God I ask you to give me the wisdom to nicely turn down those who are not of you. Give me the strength to not fall weak and give into an unsaved man's plea, and make sure that I can witness your love to them and that they will accept you. I love you and in your name I pray, Amen." 

Sign off:

    I hope you guys like my first issue! If you have any questions or topics message me and it might very well be mentioned in this book! Tell me what you think and what types of things do want me to include? (Things like Do's or Don't's, that kind of stuff. So if you have any ideas that I don't have up here then I'd love to hear of them!) I'll see you tomorrow in the next issue!

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