Chapter 7

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3rd POV

"Boys, girls. I have something to tell you." Bruce said while having lunch.

"What is it B?" Jason asked curiously.

"Later 2 guests will be arriving at the manor. One of the guests' mother is an old friend of mine and the second guest is her daughter's best friend. They'll be staying here for 4 months. They'll be joining Damian's last year in Gotham Academy." He explained.

Marinette's POV

"Follow me Mistress'." Alfred said and we followed him the manor in.

He led us to the living room, which was a chaos. A man was pointing a gun at somebody, a few were laughing their assess off, and Bruce was sighing. Chloe and I started giggling and their attention turned towards us.

"You must be the guests, I apologise for my family. I'm Bruce." He held out his hand which Chloe and I shook.

"Nice to meet you Monsieur Wayne and the rest. I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng." I said formally.

"Chloe Bourgeois. Pleasure to meet you." She said smiling.

"Richard or 'Dick' Grayson." The oldest one said.

"Jason Todd."

"Timothy or 'Tim' Drake."

"Stephanie or 'Steph' Brown and this is Cassandra or 'Cass' Cain."

"Barbara or 'Babs' Gordon." They all introduced themselves.

"My youngest son isn't here at the moment but he should be home soon." I smiled nervously and nodded.

And a conversation started.

"What are your hobbies?" Jason asked.

"Fashion." Chloe answered.

"Probably designing and baking. But I suppose you already know that."

"What do you mean?" Dick asked faking curiosity.

"I mean you guys are the bats. You won't let 2 random strangers live in your home." I said while rolling my eyes and Chloe giggled.

"WHAT?!" Jason asked being the first to come out of his shock.

"You didn't think we'd live in a house full of strangers. We did research about Gotham and etc. We put 2 and 2 together and found out you are the bats."

"B THEY FOUND OUT ABOUT US BEING THE BATS!" Jason yelled and I froze after I heard the person behind us talk.

"Shut it, Todd." I turned around and saw Damian in the doorframe.

He looked at me and froze too. I didn't notice Alfred taking everybody out of the room.

"Marinette?" He asked hopeful.

I could only nod and he tackled me in a hug.

"I'm so so sorry. I should have never left. I never wanted to leave and I shouldn't have. I missed you and I regret leaving you. You were hurt and I left you w-" I rambled and he cut me off by kissing me.

He pulled back while smirking at my flustered face.

"You wouldn't stop rambling. I told you to leave, don't blame yourself." He said and I smiled.

We sat down on the sofa still bing alone in the room.

"Damian.." I whispered while laying my head down on his chest.

"Yes?" He asked while stroking my hair.

I grabbed his hand and put it on my baby bump. His eyes widened. He kissed me immediately.

"I love you, Jamila." He whispered.

"I love you too Shaytan." I whispered back and laid my head on his lap as he continued to play with my hair.

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