It's Not A Date

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3rd Person/3:00 Pm

"Oh no Tiki wha have I don?! He'z defitly goig to think of it as a da." Marinette yelled, her voice muffled by her pillow. "If it's that bad, don't go." Tiki said slightly annoyed. "I can't do that, he'll be so sad!" Marinette reasoned. "Fine then when you get there, tell him it's just a hangout." Tiki says as she flies to Marinette's desk.

"Isn't it great kid, your finally going on a date with Ladybug!" Plagg exclaimed. "It's not a date Plagg, Ladybug wouldn't want it to be." Adrien says. "Doesn't mean you can't make it one." Plagg said with a smirk before darting to his cheese drawer. As Adrien was walking to his piano, there was a knock on the door.

"Adrien your father would like to speak with you." He hears Natalie say from behind the door. He then hears her walking away so he opens his door and heads to his father's office. He opens the door to see Kagami and her mom sitting down next to his father.

 "Adrien you know Kagami's mother Ms.Tsurugi and her daughter Kagami,  we have some news for you both. We have decided it would be beneficial for the Agreste brand for you two to date, as you both are famous and are known as good students. Kagami's mother has signed her up for your school, you will announce your relationship on Monday." Gabriel stated. "Yes father, may I be excused." Adrien asked trying his best to hide his displeased face, Gabriel just nodded.

With that Adrien left the office and headed back to his room. "I guess i'm dating Kagami now. I'll tell Ladybug i'm in a relationship. That way she won't have to worry about rejecting me again." Adrien said to Plagg, Plagg phased out of the cheese drawer and said, "But you don't like Kagami."  "I do, I just don't, loooooove her, it's not like I had a  choice anyway. Plus it'd be good to move on."



Cat Noir was waiting for Ladybug to show up. 'She's the one who suggested this hangout so she should be here' he thought. He then heard a thud behind him, when he turned around he saw Ladybug. "Uhhh, heeeey Cat." She said nervously. "Ladybug, you actually showed up!" Cat Noir yelled out of joy. "Well i'm the one who wanted to meet." Ladybug said rolling her eyes. "Whatever, follow me to our midnight rendezvous." He said flirtatiously, getting up and extending his hand. 

"About that, i-is this a date..." Ladybug asked looking down to hide her blush, witch she insists is from the cold. "A date? What, no! I was gonna tell you later but...I have a girlfriend." Cat says and Ladybug felt a weird feeling, witch was weird. She felt a frown form on her face, she looked down to it and said, "Let's hurry up and get to the surprise."  "I think you mean...supurrise."Cat said with a smirk before leaping off.

 Ladybug looked up, forced a smile, and followed him. When they landed though, It went from a frown to a look of confusion. There was a rusty door with a keypad. He led her inside and she was in awe. It was beautiful, there were candles lighting up the room, two beanbags. One black with green paw-prints, the other red and black. There were blankets the same design as the beanbags, a black stand with a tv on it, and a mini-fridge. 

"Isn't this purrfect for a movie bugaboo?" Cat asked, instead of a witty remark or eye roll. She smiled at his pun. "Why, was this your way to trick me into watching a movie with you?" Ladybug asked, "You could say I made purrfect use of this oppurrtunity." he said wiggling his eyebrows. Ladybug groaned but couldn't hold in a smirk. "Sit down LB, make yourself comfortable. I'll get the movie ready." he said walking off. 

She opened the mini-fridge and got some snacks out for her and Cat Noir. Once he came back she asked, "What are we watching?" "Queen Banana, it's a great knew movie!" Cat exclaimed. He turned the movie on,  moved his beanbag next to Ladybug's, and sat down. Halfway into the movie, Cat Noir felt weight on his shoulder. He looked down and saw Ladybug sleeping, he leaned his head on hers but continued watching the movie.


About 30 minutes in Cat Noir's ring beeped waking Ladybug up. Her earrings beeped as she did so. "Well kitty, I guess it's time for us to go." She said getting up, "Wait I have something to give you!" Cat said stopping her, "What is it." She asked anxiously.

 He got down on one knee, unzipped one of his many pockets and took out a box. He opened it revealing a ring, "Cat Noir, we're like 16. We can't get married!" Ladybug exclaimed flailing her arms. "M-Married wha-Oh! Oh no. This is a friendship ring, it means we'll be friends forever. Besides like I said, I have a girlfriend." Cat Noir said. Ladybug's face fell for a reason unknown to her. "Yeah, I better get going." She said, Cat Noir grabbed her arm. "Take the ring, please." He asked with...kitty cat eyes? She nodded and he slid it on witch made her happier, she opened the door and hopped into the morning.

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