Basic, nah.

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Warning: panic attack, mention of sewer slide and unhealthy binding.

"Most ftm trans players like me , don't get to play on the team. I'm different, I didn't want to settle for being a manager; so I made my own postion. I can't play in official matches but ocassional practice matches and practices I do get to, as a sub-in libero."

I said while talking to noone while walking to school. Well techinally, I'm talking to my brother and his boyfriend but I know they are not listening.

" Y/NNNNN! Are you excited to play in a practice match today?" Kou said jumping and turning around to face me.

" Yeah actually, against nekoma, after school right?" I said trying to hold my energy and excitement.

" Yup, wait that means I get to see Kuroo. Yay!" The older spawn of my parents said.

Ocasionally Keiji tries to speak in our conversations but that doesn't happen. Suddenly what Koutarou had said kicked into my brain.

" How the heck, did we forget about Kuroo?" I say now jumping in mix of nervousness and excitement.

Finally Keiji gets a sentence in much to my disappointment. "You two can calm down, contain your excitement and go to school for the day before the match. "

- ⁉️-

The two Bokutos internally groaned at the fact they had to get through hours of learning before seeing Nekoma and playing a practice match.

"And y/n" Akaashi stated. To which Y/n replied with a "yes?". " Don't wear your binder. I know you don't recognize I recognize your over-binding." Keiji then said quietly to Y/n to not alert the older Bokuto.

- ‼️-

" Let's GOOOO!!!!!!" The younger bokuto, Y/N screamed running into the gym after fixing his kneepads.

Then falling on the gym floor in embarrassment after seeing coach Nekomata right in front of them.

" Ah, young Bokuto energetic as usuaul." Nekomata said nodding to the child on the floor.

Y/n getting up waving to the older coach and running over to his older brother.

Suddenly a hand flew into of their face stopping them from running further.

" Lift your shirt" Akaashi the one with the energy blocking hand said.

" I know your fruity but damn you already pulled my brother." The fruity bitch Y/n stated laughing.

" Ok, ok I'm sorry but why." After calming down the smaller bokuto said.

" You know why Y/n. Also just do it before you make a scene and people turn their heads." Keiji said whispering the last part to his boyfriend's younger brother.

" Dude trust me, I'm not wearing my binder. Ok, I listen to you. You say no binder, I say no binder. Therefore I'm being safe and not doing what I want no need to do. "

The jumping Bokuto stated in a rant replying to their probaly to-be brother in-law.

Akaashi then suprisingly publicly hugged the younger bokuto brother.

He did so to feel if Y/n was wearing their binder or not.

But Keiji didn't actually hug him. Y/n realized before they got hugged and ran.

He ran past Kurro and his brother, past the coaches and managers over the corner of the court.

Where two nekoma players were conversing.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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