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"Hey babe," her eye practically twitched at the words. "Oh hey darling, are we on for tonight?" her eyes kept wandering to the two, unable to focus on everything but their sickening words. From their flirts to their pda, she was getting sick of it, "Of course, I would, never, stand you up." his cunning, sly words had a hidden layer of mischief that she could decipher.

Letting out a scoff from her lips, her eyes continued to glance over to him before the obnoxious other had left. "What the fuck is up with you." she glared down onto him. Looking over in amusement, he rolled his eyes, "What's it to you Choi? Can I not date anymore?" he twirled his pencil in his hand with a fluid motion.

Narrowing her eyes she turned back to her papers, no longer interested anymore. However, the sound of his obnoxious typing was going to make her lose it. Pushing herself up, she gathered her papers and bag and moved seats entirely. Noticing his stare of victory, she could tell he was hoping for that. How sickening.

A large smile spread across his face as his eyes told another story. His vision shot over to hers almost in a taunting way. Turning back to his things, she could only wonder why he decided this was the move. It could practically be coming from anywhere from her knowledge of him. Although in his eyes it was a complete carbon copy of his past persona. 

The noise of their professor entering the room was enough to make her divert any attention from the male to upfront. To say her mind wasn't wandering to figure out why he was being such an ass would be the biggest lie. She hated this Jaemin with every cell in her body, she hated it so much, she would do anything to get rid of it. How she was going to do that would be a total mystery. 


"What the fuck is wrong with you!" the feminine voice practically screeched, their voice echoing throughout the mess hall. Lifting his head up to the girl, he tilted his head to the side, "Is there a problem?" the corners of his mouth perked up. 
"You fucking stood me up, I texted you and called you hundreds of times." her nails dug into her palm in a painful way. He practically cringed at the sight of it.

His eyes rolled in annoyance, "Oh that was you? Sorry you weren't the first choice darling." his words dripped with cockiness. Her eyes widened, "What, what the fuck is wrong with you! You're disgusting!" her hand lifted up to slap him only to be stopped before she could. His eyes narrowed towards her hand, his grip tightening around her wrist.
"Oh? I'm disgusting? Didn't you pester me several times into taking your number only to send me your nudes? I can easily leak it love." he smiled simply

Saying she was shocked would be an understatement, her eyes practically popped out of her sockets. His sweet and sour smile made her terrified as his grip tightened. "Let me go you freak." she attempted to pull out of his grip only to be simply thrown to the ground by him. "There, have fun second choice." a laugh emitted from his lips as she ran off.

"Well wasn't that a show." the now lilac male pulled out the chair beside the male, chuckling softly. "She's so obnoxious, I extra hated it when she sent me nudes." he gagged at the thought. Patting his shoulder, he nodded in agreement, "Like I smile at her once and suddenly I'm the prince to her princess or some shit." 

Kicking up his feet onto the table, he glanced over to the table holding the once familiar female. "What's up with you two?" the lilac swung his arm to the back of his chair, taking a look at the female. Letting out a sigh, he though of what words would be appropriate to describe their situation. "Lets just say, it wasn't meant to be"


"Leave me alone Choi." his gaze stayed fixated on his phone, the female scoffed making her way towards him. Her arms crossed as she towered over him, "Just hear me out okay?" she picked at her nails subconsciously, nervous at how this could end. Letting out a sigh, his vision glided up to hers. "Hear what? About how your make out was?" a scold appeared on his face. 

Pursing her lips, her stated got worse, "Listen, this is a misunderstanding. Please just. Please just listen." her head hanged in an almost act of shame. Still, he wasn't buying it at all, "Misunderstanding? How can I possibly misunderstand two people making out." his eyes narrowed in disgust. 

Holding herself back from grabbing him, she decided to keep her cool as much as possible. "Jaemin I didn't want to do that. They literally forced themselves on me, please believe me. They meant nothing to me." she begged, just wanting them to go back to the way they were together. She missed it so god damn much she'd do anything to have it back.

"What you did happened, and that's just about it. I can't really trust you because I have no idea what you have in your mouth anymore." he clicked his tongue effortlessly. His deadpanned stare made her nervous for once in her life. "I'm over it anyways. See you around second choice." his cocky smile spread across his face. 

Pushing himself off the wall he waved and walked off with a confident stride. Basically dumbfounded, a surge of disappointment ran through her body. Gloom, nothing but gloom could be found. "Guess it's time for plan b" she combed her hand through her hair, disappointed overall. 

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