Where am I?

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I woke up in a room wheres there no doors no windows just me with a staircase in front of me.

I look to my right and see my arm is chained and traped I look to the left and notice my other arm, is chained this is when reality sunk in i've been kidnapped  I wonder why it is me?

What did I do to deserve this I quickly realize thinking like that will not help me.

I know one thing i'm trapped and I need to escape im a rat stuck in a trap

slowly I hear the cat approaching a masked man steps down the stairs.

he says 

" god damnit we got the wrong one".

I hear a distance voice saying    

"really now what do we do with him" .

the masked man rebuttals with

" I don't know I know the boss isn't going to be happy about this mistake".

Slowly I start to think how I got here.



 Saiki I say to him 

Saiki replies with a standard 


I quickly catch up with him as we make our way to school. 

Saiki. Has a look on his face that something is wrong though I know Saiki 

very well and I know that there's nothing he can't fix with his psychic powers .

Puzzled I ask saiki what is wrong 

he confusedly replies with

" no matter what happens to you know that you were the best friend I had".

Confused I replied with 

"ok then ".

Any ways I quickly change the subject 

But before I can change it we arrive at school and Saiki for the first time hugs me 

I should of know what was going to happen


The distanced man says 

" the boss said we can do what ever we want with this one 

as. Long he ends up dead ".

The man in the mask asks childy 

"can we torture him first".

distanced voice man says do what you want 

Ohhhhh god I scream internally. 


my one fear coming to life manifesting into a cultivating of night mares 

I will never forget the first cut the deep scarlet red blood that oozed out of my life less corpse. And my screams ohh my god my screams were horrific for months i was tortured until one day 

some thing major happened that would change my life.

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