Strapped In for the Ride

356 12 21

By electricismymiddlename

on AO3

Izuku froze as he felt eyes on him again. But instead of fear, he felt a mixture of flattery and annoyance. Whirling around, he caught his boyfriend staring at his backside again.

"Kacchan!" he chided and Katsuki finally looked up, a smirk on his lips. "Kacchan, that's the third time I've caught you doing that!"

"So what?" Katsuki replied, his smirk becoming a grin as his eyes flicked down again. "Your ass looks damn good in that, babe! Can you blame me?"

Izuku blushed, adjusting the waistband of the rock climbing harness he wore. He and Katsuki had gone rock climbing before they started dating, but this was the first time they had done this as a couple.

"I didn't think it would do that much for you, to be honest," Izuku admitted, rubbing the nape of his neck with a wobbly smile. Katsuki attention wasn't entirely unwanted, though. He would be lying if he said the harness didn't make him feel more attractive. "It's just a little harness..."

Katsuki lowered his voice to a whisper, his lips hovering at Izuku's ear. "A little harness that's driving me crazy! God, those straps around your thighs alone make me wanna-!"

"Kacchan!" Izuku exclaimed, his face burning as he playfully swatted his boyfriend in the chest. Though he was flustered, he couldn't resist teasing him back. He took a quick glance around to make sure no one was in ear shot. Satisfied they wouldn't be overheard, he leaned over and put his lips next to Katsuki's ear. "But you're right, aren't you?"

"Of course I am," Katsuki agreed, teeth digging into his lower lip as his raked his gaze up and down his boyfriend. "I know what I want you to wear next time we-"

"Kacchan!" Izuku interrupted, clamping a hand over the blond's mouth. "Not in public!" Something wet slicked across Izuku's palm and he yanked his hand from Katsuki's mouth. "You're so gross, Kacchan!"

"Think that was 'gross'?" Katsuki added, one hand resting dangerously low on Izuku's back. "Wait until I get you alone."


After a bit more teasing, Katsuki finally relented and the two of them started their climb. Katsuki "helped" Izuku adjust his harness and attach it to the climbing rope. Completely flustered, Izuku resisted the urge shove him away with his Quirk after Katsuki's hands lingered a bit too long on the thigh straps.

Before arriving at the gym, Izuku and Katsuki had agreed not to use their Quirks on the first climbing wall. The idea was to see who could make it to the top on sheer physical skill alone.

So when Izuku was closest to the top and Katsuki was lagging behind, Izuku knew there had to be only one reason his competitive boyfriend would slack off.

Izuku glanced down and his suspicions were confirmed.

"Kacchan! Stop looking at my-!" he started, catching himself and turning pink up to his ears. The climbing gym was exclusive to heroes, but that didn't mean the two of them had complete privacy. Izuku still considered it "public" when eavesdropping ears could be anywhere. "Stop looking at me and hurry up!"

"I don't know, I kinda like the view from here!" Katsuki taunted, laughing as Izuku flushed red.

The power of speech had left Izuku at the moment as he looked around to make sure no one had heard that. Most other heroes at the gym had earbuds in, so they likely hadn't heard. But still, it was the principle of the thing.

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