The End?

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Reki surfed through many different channels, trying to find something to watch, anything to watch besides the news which had been talking about nothing besides the massacre five days ago. He had not left his room since the police had escorted him home after questioning, Reki didn't want to. He didn't have the motivation to go back to school, to skateboard, to talk to anyone, not even visit Sia la Luce, his comfort restaurant.

Instead, for the past five days, Reki had been glued to his bed, scrolling mindlessly through stupid videos on YouTube and watching random shows and movies on Netflix, his only interaction being when his mother brought him lunch or dinner. He avoided having any time without doing something, or else he risked thinking about the events that had happened, Reki couldn't handle it right then.

Reki could hardly sleep, every time he tried, nightmares plagued him, nightmares of death and blood and Langa standing amongst it all, laughing. The redhead was exhausted, for he hadn't slept in two days because of it and it was obvious his mother was worried, but every time she tried to talk to him, Reki slammed the door quickly, being pulled back into the world of dumb videos and TV shows.

That day, someone knocked on the door as Reki landed on a channel that was playing some random subtitled American cartoon. Reki stood up, walked over, and opened the door, looking downward a bit to see Miya Chinen, the young Japanese skateboarding team hopeful. Miya's green eyes were filled with concern and he handed Reki a box of something that was heavy and the twelve year old silently asked, with a quick motion of his shoulder, if he could enter Reki's room.

Reki nodded and flicked his light on, squinting his eyes against the sudden brightness. Miya walked over to his bed and sat down, watching the cartoon characters on the TV screen fight each other, anvils dropping on their heads. Reki joined Miya and put his fingers beneath the lid of the box, opening it and eyeing the contents.

He picked up a random container of what looked like red mush, "The hell is this?"

"Food, you dummy." Miya replied, eyes scanning the subtitles that flashed across the screen.

"Well duh." Reki said, putting the container down and searching through the box some more, "I'm not hungry though."

"It's for later, idiot." Miya huffed.

Reki shoved the younger boy and plucked a chocolate bar out of the box, almost considering taking a bite. Chocolate would be nice, he hadn't had any in a while and it was sure to make him feel at least a little bit better. He started to rip the wrapper off, but stopped halfway when Miya started speaking.

"Reki, I wanted to check on you. You haven't been responding to texts and stuff so I was getting worried." Miya admitted, fiddling with his fingers.

Reki looked away, dropping the sweet back into the box, "Yeah, I'm fine I guess."

Miya still pestered Reki with questions, "Are you sure? Do you need to talk? I'm right here if you need me."

Reki groaned, Miya really wasn't helping with the 'not thinking about it' situation, and even if Reki did tell the kid, Miya was only twelve years old and he wouldn't be able to process it. Reki didn't want to dump all that trauma onto a boy who had just started his first year of junior high.

"I'll be okay." Reki fibbed, closing the box and setting it aside, "If that's all you came to visit me for then you can go."

Miya grimaced and looked away, staring at his feet as he kicked them back and forth. He was just a kid and Reki was just a kid, but Reki was mature. Miya wasn't, Miya only knew about skateboarding and dumb jokes, he knew about laughing things off and being sassy, the only information Miya had to know about this situation was that Langa had been messed up in the head, nothing else. Reki knew he wouldn't be able to handle the whole truth, all the gruesome, bloody details.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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