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"Tray-Tray?" My sister called, poking at my once sleeping form.

"What do you want Galina?" I asked her still half asleep.

She dropped onto the bed next to me, her hand slapping my back as she sprawled out

"I'm bored." She said playing with my hair.

"Well go bother someone else." I said to her. Her gentle caresses lolling me back to sleep.

"Mom and Dad are busy, when are they not. Vera is sleeping and waking her up is like waking up a bear from hibernation. Odessa is with one of her flings and I don't want to have to see that again." She said to me, before tugging a little too hard on my hair.

"Shit, okay I'm up." I said to her sitting up from the bed. She wrapped jumped on my back at the last second holding on tightly.

I walked to the bathroom with her on my back not at all fazed. She rested her head on my shoulder as I brushed my teeth quietly.

I think she feel asleep.

I walked from my room and down the grand staircase to the kitchen. It was the weekend and it was a family rule that we would spend time together in the same house on a weekend.

I set her down on the counter questioning what she wanted to eat.

"Pancakes." She said excitedly grabbing the pack of strawberries from the refrigerator.

"Pancakes it is." I whispered grabbing the pan from the hook above the island to create her a masterpiece.

My grandmother taught us how to cook, because my mother burning down our kitchen is not something we needed or wanted. My father knew how to cook so he took up the responsibility most of the time or we would just make something ourselves.

It was never an issue to any of us honestly because we grew up that way and it was normal.

Half way through the preparation as Galina and I bickered back and foward Vera decide to greet us with her wonderful presence. Not the sarcasm.

"Why the fuck are you two so loud?" She asked, grouchy as always. She walked to the refrigerator back to us.

Galina mocked her words, scowling as she rested her chin on her hand that was propped up on the counter by her elbow.

She leaned to the side nonchalantly as a steak knife flew past her head and stuck into the wall.

"You're so predictable Vera." Galina teased. This was a normal thing in this house, there were knife holes in nearly ever wall in this house.

"You're so predictable Vera." Vera mocked, ruffling Galina's hair as she passed by. Galina slapped her hand away hard, Vera stopped in her tracks looking to Galina.

The two of them started going at it in the fucking kitchen. Rolling my eyes I continued to make the pancakes, I had to make sure they didn't burn.

"Why are you fighting in the kitchen?" My other sister asked her twin and Galina sitting on a barstool, enjoying the show.

They didn't even answer as Vera pushed Galina off of her and onto the floor throwing a punch at her face.

"What are you doing?" My mother finally made her entrance.

Her voice stopped Vera short as she looked up slowly, eyes meeting my mother's. Galina pushed her off of her standing from the floor and grabbing a plate.

"Didn't I tell you about fighting in the kitchen?" She asked calmly.

"Yes you did." They answered her, simultaneously.

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