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Hey guys, I just want to say a few things before I start this majestic sequel to Awoken.

1: You must have read and FINISHED the first Awoken to read this. There will be major spoilers if you haven't... Plus, it won't make any sense.

2: This book will be in third person POV... If you've read to the end of Awoken, you'll know why.


3: Thank you so much for 10k (well, actually 9.98k... *cries*) reads on Awoken! I believe this may be farther than Ender was when I started HR, and I'm honestly kind of happy about that. I love you all. *hugs*

So, without further ado, here we go!


"Amber! Help me get her onto land!" The yellow Pegasus frantically paddled through the water, trying to drag a limp body onto the shore.

A light-orange filly ran into the shallow water to help, desperately lifting the injured black and purple Pegasus up onto the stallion's back and trying not to faint from the blood gushing out of her wound and colouring the water around them red.

The two ponies ran for the shore, setting Mystery down in a patch of wild aloe. Her limp form opened one eye and groaned slightly, then fell back and became motionless again.

"What do we do?!" Amber began to hyperventilate. She absolutely hated the sight of blood.

Glaze knelt down and unwrapped the bandages from around his leg, which were already soaked with blood from his broken wings and water from the lake. He wrung them out as best he could, then messily pressed them over the would in Mystery's chest.

"Princess Twilight. If we can get her there, she can teleport us to Canterlot. Then if Mystery isn't dead... Celestia and Luna can take over. Canterlot has the best medical program in all of Equestria, if anything can save her, it would be them." He gestured for Amber to come closer. "Help me get her onto my back, we'll have to run, since neither of us can fly."

He knelt down, glancing over at the town of Ponyville in the distance. As soon as the limp black Pegasus was positioned securely, they began to run. And run. And run. As fast as they could, they ran.... But would they make it in time? That was for fate to decide.

Awoken 2: It's Not OverWhere stories live. Discover now