Sedat the Peker

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 Sedat checked his watch -everything must be perfect- but while he's doing so his eyes relized the photo on his desk. Photo of his daughters. He took the photo and then felt a burning in his eyes, but he regreded. He said "No, I gotta be strong for them." He looked at the photo until his men said "Reis, it's about the time." He continued to stare at the photo. Eventually he took a deep breath, kissed his daughters and finally put the photo to where it will be safe: the pocket which is above of his heart. 

He took another deep breath, another sip from his beer, and started checking out the preparation.

-Camera ?

-Ready, reis.

-Archive ?

- All of the documents are ready, reis.

-Okay, I'm checking out the laptop and it looks fine to me.

-If you say so,reis.

-Okey, start the recording evladım.

He took a last sip from his beer and Recording starts, reis starts his talk.

"Kıymetli dostlarım, kardeşlerim. Sikilmesi gereken bazı orospular görüyorum."

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