Welcome to the country of football

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Chapter 1 - Carlos

  5 in the morning, the city of Sao Paulo is already awake. People driving on the way to their jobs already fill the roads.
  Carlos, the lieutenant of the Brazilian army FA is commanding a secret cargo transportation from Sao Paulo to Brasilia together with their soldiers, Mateus, Pedro, Vitoria, Patricia and Fernando. An easy mission, drop the cargo to a specific location and drive back to the state.
  In the other side of the road, a truck driver, Alberto, drunk and tired, figured he would drive the whole night with only one stop to drink some beers and play some poker, Alberto wanted to arrive home fast, his back was tired from the trip. "Nothing ever happened", he thought, a few beers to fill the loneliness of the road, a sleepless night to arrive in the morning to the city and a good homemade meal waiting for him at home.
  Maybe it was the beer, the tiredness of the the trip, the pills he took for his headache, the thought that something like that would never happen to him, after all he was a good driver, that was his profession for 20 years. Alberto blacked out, the truck full of gasoline lost control. Alberto was indeed a good driver, but now Alberto couldn't be anything other than dead.

  Carlos didn't even see it, when he came to his senses, he was upside down, Patricia wasn't breathing and he could smell something burning. A truck had crashed on them, from the fire, Carlos knew whoever was driving was burning in the flames, the only thought that comforted him was "At least it's not me". From his logical thinking it was a waste of time to even try to help, from the lack of desperated screams, the driver was spared the pain of having its body being burned alive. With struggle, Carlos checked Patricia's pulse, nothing. He left his seat and heard shouts coming from his teammates that were driving behind in a  car with a cargo of ammos and guns.

"Lieutenant, you're alright ? How's Patricia ?"

"She's dead" - said the Lieutenant looking straight at their soldier's eyes, it was a sad fact, but one soldier must come in terms with the idea of death.

  There was no time to mourn anyway, everything was burning and the secret cargo's door was open, the orders were simple, keep it sealed, keep it secret. It was an easy mission, but a person was already dead, a civilian was burning and everything around was in flames. The lieutenant couldn't say his mission failed because a careless driver got in the way, he simply failed, no buts, just shame while he analysed the situation.

  Something growled, something moved, something left the open container. It was some kind of humanoid, big and ashy, it's mouth was 5 times bigger than a human's and it's countless teeth reminded the ones of a shark, it's spine and legs were curved in a curious way and out of it's head came out a tentacle with a pointy end, as sharp as a blade.

  "Put this thing down" - shout orders from Carlo's mouth.

  Too late now, the humanoid jump and slashed Pedro's neck, he fell making disturbing sounds while blood poured out of his throat, he dropped the gun and instantly put his hands over his throat, but the blood didn't stop pouring. Why do people try ? This isn't magic, he will die and there's nothing anyone could do, but Pedro was trying, because it was human instinct to try to survive.
  The others kept shooting, but it didn't matter how many bullets were shot at it, it simply wouldn't die, didn't even seemed like it could feel anything. Carlos's last order was to run to the working car and go as far as they could from the city, attract the beast along.

  But instead of following them the humanoid stopped, with it's long tongue liked it's wounds and perked it's head, sniffing, looking for something. Carlos observed, if the humanoid intended to go to the city, they had to put it down as fast as they could.

  But Carlos was binded to the chains of his duties, he had just failed miserably in his easy mission, any other step wrong taken could mean demotion, he had family and a image to uphold, so he pressed the button of his walkie talkie before taking any action.

"Central, the cargo was open, seems to be wanting to head to the city, can you confirm orders to detain it?" - Said Carlos.

"Orders confirmed, time is of extreme importance, detain it, but  don't kill the specimen" - said the voice coming from the walkie-talkie.


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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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