My Babe

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I felt so much better telling Joseph that I loved him. And to find out that he loves me too. Was even better. WOO HOO!I was so happy & on cloud 9. Mel and I was enjoying a relaxeing day off work. We was messing around on our phones. With FB, Twitter & our E-Mails. Havent done that in so long. I finally changed my profile & cover pic to another pic of Joseph & I. I noticed that Mel had a new pic of Chase and her on her FB. Thank god Denny and Stephen can't see our FB pages or our Twitter pages. They've been blocked a long time ago. I was messing around on my phone & I got a text message. I looked to see who it was & I was not a happy camper. I said SHIT! Mel said what was that all about? I said I'm not answering that text. Mel said let me guess Stephen? I said BINGO! I had a feeling it was him said Mel. Yep & he won't stop texting me. Stephen is getting on my last nerve. Mel said you better just answer him. I said I have no choice. I texted him back. What? Are you ignoring me baby? I texted go away & leave me alone. I'm not your baby anymore. He wouldnt listen to a word I say. I said screw this. I threw my phone down & went upstairs.  Mel picked up my phone & read the texts.  Mel thought here we go again. With in a hour or so there was a knock on the door. Mel said Stephen I see you. Get lost man. Stephen was banging on the door.  I know she's here.  Open up this damn door.  Mel said oh hell no. Don't you get it Shar doesn't want to talk to you. Fine I will go to the back & get in that way. Mel ran as fast as she could to the back door and she locked it as soon as he got to the door. Stephen said open this f***** door or I'll break it down. Mel said over my dead body. I heard all the banging and screaming from Mel. I came down & said why are you screaming? Mel said Stephen is trying to get in. I yelled get the hell out of here you f***** ass hole! Sorry for the f bomb sis. But Im pissed. Mel said its all good.  I don't blame you. I said I'm calling Joseph. He can deal with his shit. I heard hey! I said hey! We have a problem.  Can you come over? Joseph said let me guess Denny & Stephen? I said just Stephen. Denny isn't here. He is trying to get into our house. Joseph said I'll be right over & I will take care of his ass. I said your in deep shit.  Stephen said I'm not scared of you. You little b****.  I said what? I am not a b****! I wanted to go out & beat the liveing shit out of him. But Mel wouldn't let me. Mel said honey chill. Joseph will be here soon. Soon enough we heard the door bell ring. Go let your man in said Mel. I went to unlock the front door & let Joseph in. After I greeted Joseph & Chase. I let them both in. Chase said I came to see my girl. I said I figured that. Stephens banging on the back door. Joseph said at least he can't hurt you. Chase said does he ever stop? Geez! Joseph said are you kidding me? Never ever! He is a ass hole I said. Definitely said Chase. Mel went to greet Joseph & Chase. He is kicking the door & won't stop Mel said. Joseph said I've got this. Go in the other room with Chase. I want to kill that sob! Joseph said honey chill. I've got this. Go with Chase & Mel.  So I did. Instead of going with them into the liveing room. I went upstairs to my room and slammed the door shut. Chase said what in the world? Mel said she is pissed.  Best thing to do is let her cool off. I leave her alone when she is pissed. Dont want yelled at. I dont blame you said Chase. Joseph & Stephen were haveing words.  Mel & Chase were watching from the door. They heard everything.  Since all of the windows were open. Joseph was so pissed that he punched him in the face & he had a boody lip & a black eye. Mel saw Stephen get up & punch Joseph in the face. Joseph got up and punched him again. Finally he left. & dont come back. Joseph came inside all bloody. His face was busted up pretty badly. Mel said are you okay? Your face is a mess. Joseph said I will be fine. You should see him. Chase said get the 1st aid kit baby. You got it babe said Mel. Mel got the 1st aid kit & Chase cleaned up Josephs face. Mel said I'm going to check up on Shar. While you clean up Joseph. Okay said Chase. Chase said you even have cuts on your chest & arms. Joseph said it was worth it. Shar is my girl & nobody messes with her. That stings man. You big baby said Chase. lol!😂 Mel came to check on me. She heard all of  thracket in my room. I was throwing shit & breaking things. Mel knocked & said is it okay to come in? I said yeah. Mel said I heard all this racket un here and wasn't sure if I should come in. You okay? Im fine. Just pissed off. Mel said I can see you are pissed off. Your room looks like a freaking tornado went threw. Sorry! Damn Stephens has me wond up. Mel was trying her hardest to get me to calm down. But it was not working.  Joseph comes up stairs with out his shirt & said what is going on up here? All of this racket. I said I'm pissed off and I threw shit & broke shit. Joseph said stop please. As he came over & held me. I broke down & cried again. I'm sorry sweetie. I was crying in his arms Mel said I'll leave you 2 alone. Joseph said look at me honey. I looked at him and he said everything is okay.  As he whipped my tears.  I said your handsome face is all messed up. As I put my hand on his face. Joseph said I'm fine. You should see Stephen. He is worse then I am. I said  & your arms & sexy your chest . Damn it! They will heel my love said Joseph.  The man thing is your okay. Joseph & I sat on my bed holding each other & talking. Joseph knows how to calm me down. Just has to hold me in his sexy arms. How sweet??? 🙂🙂🙂

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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