Red streetlights covering our eyes, we're fading into crimson rays. Red seeping into our skin, we're becoming the blood running through our veins.
Green light flashes and we're caught off guard-- there's no one to protect us now. We're tumbling fast down this dirty road, reaching a speed unknown. The passion burns a bold emerald hue, but the pain fades into yellow. We slow down as the rubble collects at our feet-- this is our struggle.
Yellow halts us with bright warning signs. Yellow makes us question anything and everything that helps us shine through the twilight. Yellow burns golden and we have given up. The honey golden waves angrily splatter into red, threading into woven waves of terror and loss.
Red streetlights covering our eyes, we're fading into crimson rays. Red seeping into our skin, we're becoming the blood running through our veins.
Red paints our hands from venomous words shared between bitter phone calls and filthy fights. Red is our love and tonight our love is disastrous.Our color wheel switches back and forth rockily and the buildings shatter into edgy crumbs. Like our poisonous, red love, we snap, bend and break. Our veins are beating by the fast pump of our hearts, our lungs are breathing in, but the breathing has become rough. Our hearts are like a ticking time bomb waiting to be blown up-- our quickly dying hearts.