Chapter 1

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Derek's POV:

Stiles. Stiles. Stiles.

Skinny, defenceless Stiles. Why in the hell do I like him so much? He is just Stiles, I know he likes Lydia no. no. no he LOVES Lydia, so I know I definitely won't have a chance with him. Whenever he walks in a room he gives me this tingly feeling, Peter says it's called butterflies, and the only time I've ever felt them was when... WHEN I WAS WITH PAIGE!

Stiles is one of those people who you hate but learn to love, a bit like me, but I'm pretty sure no one will love me.

After everything that happened with the Oni and the Nogitsune Stiles has been acting very weird and different, i mean he did have an evil spirit take over him and possess him and all but it's more like he doesn't want to be anywhere anymore, like he wants to... die, but hopefully he doesn't cause i kinda want him to be alive.

Incoming call from: Abominable Snowman

Ugh I can't deal with this today, although I like him doesn't mean i can put up with him yet.

"Heyyy Derek."

"What do you want? And how did you get my number?" (I don't mind him having my number)

"Scott gave me your number and about Scott... he has been kidnapped"

"What? Wait why do i need to know this?"

"Because Derek we assume they are gonna come for you next."

"Do you know who they are?"



"Yeah I just didn't think the people who kidnapped my best friend, my brother in fact, weren't important. OF COURSE I DON'T KNOW WHO THEY ARE OTHERWISE I WOULDN'T HAVE SAID IT!!!"

"Alright, jeez sorry"

"Now just get your cute lil werewolf ass down here otherwise I'll come get your ass myself!"

"Did you ju-"

"Bye sourwolf and hurry up!"

Stiles hung up

Did stiles just compliment me or am I just overthinking this, why would he say that? I mean he probably says that to everyone, well everyone who is a werewolf.

Anyways, better get to them before Stiles decides to come get me himself and he'll probably bring his bat.

This is my first story so don't judge how bad it is.

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