A day at Eden

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Ah, Good morning everyone! Please head to the showers and rinse off for breakfast! A maid said.

As the first announcement of the day rang, I got off my bed. It had been a terrible night and I couldn't catch any sleep I had a headache and my back hurt badly.

I walked out of my dorm and across the hallways, With a plain look. Until suddenly I stumbled upon what seemed to be a knife covered in blood... I was terrified I bent on my knees and stared at it. It resulted weird for that to be there. Ringgg! Sounded the second announcement Breakfast! I missed shower period, I jumped of the ground and ran downstairs to the cafeteria.

After recieving my meal of Avocado toast and a glass of milk instead of sitting down I grabbed my tray and ran to the front desk. I saw Mr. Rindom there so I decided to tell Rindom about the knife but the only thing that happened was Rindom laughing and saying, "That is ridiculous" While he walked into the staff room.

I was so annoyed of being blocked about what was going on, So as soon as Rindom left I rushed up into the library.

I shut the door behind me and searched for books about Eden. After searching for almost 20 minutes I found a old red book under a couch, Without hassitation I picked it up and sat down.

I blew the dust of the book and opened it, Bell 3 rang and 4 to and so on. I finally finished the book. I had no words, What I had read was terrifying and Alarming, It said something about milk... I glanced at my milk glass, Still full from the morning as I was going to grab it to take a sip the door burst open and Jasmine and Jade stumbled in.

"Amoria?! Wetre  where you?" Asked Jasmine. "Yes, we've been looking for you all day!" Jade added.

"Oh um, I've been studying" I said while closing the book. I showed a smile and left the room forgetting about the glass of milk. 

I closed the door and headed towards the shower room leaving Jas and Jade behind.

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