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"Come on! You don't want to be beaten by Scar! Again!" Cloud did the leap once again and did it right this time,"Is that better?" Storm stepped forward close to Cloud,"Better than last time. I gotta tell you something later, but I got to send the warriors to concentrate on their job, bye." He licked her ear then left, Cloud felt uneasy, then practices the moves that Storm taught her over and over till she got it right.

Storm caught up with Cloud, "Hey!" Cloud twitched her ears seeing that Storm is coming to her,"What?" Storm looked uncomfortable,"It's well... come on." Cloud followed Storm, looking at the evening sky, she turns back to Storm,"What is this place?" Storm looked uneasy again,"Some forest.. The whole point is that why we're here is..." He hesitated,Cloud stepped up closer to him and Storm relaxed,"You might say no but it won't change the feelings I have for you.. Will you be my mate?" Cloud was about to explode then said calmly,"In a time like this? I'll have to think about it," getting ready to leave Storm standed up and walked past her, he turns his gaze softened,"I hope you think about it." he lowered his head, tail drooping, he turned and left, Cloud felt sorry for him but she had to concentrate, surely it doesn't matter if they do become mates, does it?

She thought over and over and she made her decision, she went over to Storm,"I made my decision, yes I'll be your mate." Storm's eyes widened then his gaze softened and licks Cloud in the ear,"I won't let anything happened to you." Cloud felt comfortable being beside him now but did she made the right choice to say yes?

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