|Chapter 1|She's back|

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(A/N:I apologise if this turns out bad I wrote this as a random thought while reading an umeji x reader yan sim fanfic.)

(Osoro POV)
I was getting ready to go to school and I remembered my older sister Y/N was coming back today it's been so boring at school without her. She was suspended from school for 2 and a half weeks and she's finally coming back to school.

I walked downstairs ready to go and I saw my sister Y/N in the kitchen finishing her breakfast. She turned looked at me and smiled. "Hey sis." She said, " Didn't bother waiting for me huh?" I asked teasing her a bit Knowing how much she loves her food "Nope. You know how much I love my food, Oso" Oso is a nickname she gave me when we were kids. "You excited to go back to school?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Not really but if it means I get to see u more why not." I smiled at how she wanted to see me more. Although I don't smile much and neither does she but around each other we show more emotions and we're more open moreover only cause we're sisters and  have been there for each other when we need each other.

She looked at me for a second and said "Where's Osorō?" Just as she said that down Osorō came. She turned to him "Hey bro where you been?" She asked "I just woke a bit later that's all sis." "Oh ok well you better eat up quick or me and Oso are going without you." She teased.

(Time skip to after both Osoros are done eating and they got to school.)

(Y/n's POV)
I was walking into school grounds with my little brother and sister, Osoro and Osorō after 2 and a 1/2 week suspension.

(A/N:btw these (....) are thoughts so these (....) are Osoro's thoughts, these (....) are Y/n's thoughts and these (....) are Osorō's thoughts.)

(Oh didn't Oso and Oro say something about these delinquents. Let me ask real quick.)
"Hey Oso,Oro."they looked at me and said in unison "Yeah sis" (Definitely twins anyway.)"Um didn't you say something about delinquents or something?" I asked "Oh yeah they should be here soon we'll introduce you to them." Osoro said.

Just then this group of boys walked to us and what seemed to be the leader said "Hey Osoro and Osorō" (Wait how did they know my siblings) "Um Oso, Oro, Who are they?" I asked and the group of boys finally noticed me, Oso turned around and said "Oh Y/n these are the delinquents we told you about."

(Time skip to after they introduced themselves brought to you by my laziness.)

(Umeji POV. Bet you didn'texpect that...You probably did)
We saw the Osoro twins so we went up to them and said hey but when we we noticed they were with this girl so we asked who she was and apparently she was Osoro and Osorō's big sister. So after that we introduced ourselves and I gotta say Y/N is pretty cute and maybe a little hot. No bad Umeji you like Osoro...I like Osoro...Right?

(Sorry it took so long for me to update I was busy with and even when I wasn't I couldn't come up with ideas and on top of all that I have a short attention span so I would try to focus on the chapter but then I would get distracted and end up getting to it. Also I'm so sorry for making you have to wait so long I promise I'll try update more frequently...619 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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