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Hey!! Welcome to my story second one of many to come although I will progress this one periodically I don't know where I want to take this although I love to stay dark and non fanfiction although romance isn't out the question

Hope you enjoy!   PLEASE feedback is appreciated!!!.

A blinding light radiates from the mould infested walls of the cell, lighting up the cell on fire, and my eyesight focuses on the finite time the divine protection the sun was creating, slowly evaporating into the deep void of the night. The room seemingly abandoned null of life except for the dwindling existence of my own.

"fuck I slept in."

Ice cold rock hitting my feet as I stand up with hast! Shifting my focus to the rust-infested iron gateway to hell and torment of my life awaits.

Exiting my cell taking in the foul scent of unwashed odour clenching to the insides of my nose noticing the only slaves hanging onto life. dried blood covering open slashes along their skin, salt keeping them tethered to this pathetic existence. My eyes caught changing focus to the movement capturing my attention in the next cell over.

"Hey, you, how late am I?"

"urhhh, long enough for the superior slaves to notice" in a desperate giggle.

The wet stone smouldering my feet as I make my way to the change room, stripping my body from the decayed rags for clothes and fitting my hole-infested shoes and severely worn waiter attire trying not to make any tears or I really will be screwed.

Entering the main castle greeted with a sweet mouth-watering scent invading my nose washing away the stench stalking me. Immaculate paintings and cherry wood finish scattered everywhere almost giving me the delusion this is normal. Breaking my trance lasers staring through me in anger.

"GET TO YOUR POST serial 1915001!"

"Yes sir, sorry sir won't happen again." Apologetically bowing

You are a slave yourself, worse than a slave in fact the nerve to call me by my serial number what THEY gave us, nothing but cattle in a glorified pen waiting for the inevitable.

reaching my post, I am greeted with carefully assorted vials and containers filled with crimson red life what fuels our existence and tournament from their previous owners now its nothing but emptiness void of life.

Separated by blood group with all the variations the mind can fathom, the most popular blood group O- apparently divine as sex from the overheard gossip. These things can feel the feelings we went through while being drained, sucked of life, and contained in a bottle to be fed upon. These monsters have no idea what feeling is never mind understand it just a mear imitation of emotion.

Caught in a daze from existence hearing a voice.

"hey 19, heard you slept past clock-in, they're going to get you for that."

Turning around to see the only friend I can trust within this accursed world.

"18! You going to your ass into gear and get breakfast? I exclaimed.

"Yeah, let's get these vamps fed and be over this already," 18 said in exhaustion.

Light fading to black, the sun retreating in beautiful fear of what comes after it. We may survive in the light, but they rule the darkness. I and 18 are just another number to them like cattle to slaughter. Our lives are great compared to the torment pets endure having to be in their presence day and night, light and dark.

Females serving as their food and plaything while slaves have it easy, I would not dream of switching places. wearing collars and caged at night. The dungeon's overpopulated cells seem like a paradise to the life they endure daily.

While the chefs prepare breakfast, I have the important role of Accommodating each specific taste disgustingly it's mainly female children's blood we prepare something about the fear they leave behind that is addicting as heroin to them.

Sometimes I think of spiking their drinks with the most toxic remedy my mind fathom although I want to live! Hanging onto this pathetic existence but still living. After the collapse of human superiority before I was born life could fabricate your wildest dreams but now....

This is hardly living but living nonetheless I will not go down without a fight.

taking the prepared concoctions to the grand table. gold encrusted patterns scouring the walls and ceiling. Carefully cut furniture finishing the ravishing view. The most extravagant garment of foods flooding the table, colours devastate the landscape fit for a king. Although they are not kings but what they fear at night, keeping them up at night contemplating the inevitable.


Pacing to my station, ready for battle my choice of weapon? A jug as big as my face filled with blood! I refill their drinks easy right?

Wrong the smallest mistake and I will regret it and sharing the fates of the slaves remaining in our quarters, waiting for the inevitable, waiting for death!

Shimmering light dawning down from the ceiling while the darkest night comes to fruition the end of our freedom and the start of their dominion. Inaudible entities materialise from the door faster than my eyes could comprehend, them! vampires resurrecting from their imprisonment of light.

When I first heard of their existence, I thought they were ravenous blood-hungry beasts who lack intelligence and their own will.

I was wrong... they are the opposite the male vamps are handsome spectacles, not a hair out of place, skin clear as ice and eyes bright as blood lit under the moon.

The female vamps were a human dream beautiful deity not meant for our eyes to comprehend. Curves you see in fantasy, breasts the perfect size, and eyes a crimson red.

Although they are as powerful and fast as lightning and regenerate their wounds almost instantly have a fatal flaw, they underestimated us, humans; they think of us like cattle to the slaughter but forget we progressed civilisation to its technological prowess. A flaw I will exploit...

Caught in my daydream a deathly thunder filled the room SMASH....

A plater of food from his tray free-falling into an abyss. Crashing down onto the table its guts splattered out like an over done gory movie over a male vampire.

The room turned from gossip to silence, so quiet I could hear my own heartbeat pounding out of my chest after realising who made the mistake.

"no... 18" I whispered.

Eyes turning a deep red, fangs drawn ready for war their attention focussed at 18. I don't think he will survive this one.

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