Beating p3.

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Sorry for the short chapter, thought I would pick this story back up.

In fact, the beating was as brutal as it sounds. I feel my skin ripping from itself as lash after lash penetrates my body, as blood flows down my back and onto the floor as my skin tears from itself. Blood also stained the whip red.

For a moment I thought they could stop the onslaught on my back as consciousness became a bottomless pit forever falling but never hitting the ground beneath.

Then it stopped not long after it started. Time was seemingly my enemy as only a few minutes had passed. My thoughts: My mind racing back with pain not chasing after it as I regained my posture. Not long after they bandaged my wounds and sent me on my way.

You would think that such punishment would result in an extended vacation. no back to my tasks as if nothing had happened.

The next day 19 was discharged pretty much the moment he opened his eyes and was told to get on with it, almost expecting him to drop dead. You see Vampire laws dictate they can't drink from us directly or kill us without just cause.

A number dying from work-related incidents? Open season on the poor person lucky enough to die from a trivial death.

I caught 18 in the morning before duties began to check he wouldn't drop dead. He looked rough but I knew from the look in his eyes was was just anger, it was the resolve to not let this place be his demise.

As soon as 18 noticed me walking near him he gestured for me to come to his cell.

"19 we gotta find a way out of here and fast before this place catches up with us," Said 18 with a worried look on his face.

"Don't you think I know 18? The odds against us are enormous, and the chances of us escaping are almost nonexistent. Before we can make a plan, we must be patient and gather more allies to come up with an effective strategy. Since they have eternity on their side, we have our minds to use, and since they view us as cattle, we can exploit that fact to our advantage."

"You have a point 19; I will talk to the different numbers who are least likely to snitch."

In that moment, 18 and 19 share a glance both filled with a sense of complete trust and a sense of knowing exactly what the other has in mind. Our blood is the one thing vampires value most, so now is the time to take it away.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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