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The 48 hour watch was finally over and I was at the house with Owen. I felt lost, like I didn't have a home and Owen hadn't spoke a word to me since he picked me up this morning . I decided to assume it was just because of his grief and I didn't have the energy to think if it was anything else. When we were inside I kind of just ignored all basic human needs like food and water and a shower and I got in bed to lay down in which Owen followed me too to do the same. 

It was dark out when I had opened my eyes, the cold wind blowing through the window that was cracked open above the bed. Owen was asleep next to me in nothing but underwear and mismatch gray socks on. I kissed his head and went to use the bathroom where I checked my phone to see an email saying the sell went through. Penny had texted me saying the $5 million dropped in everyone's accounts and she wasn't wrong, I went to go double check just in case and there it was along with the other money I had saved previously. I decided not to wake up Owen only because I could just tell him at a later date and he was still going to find out anyways whether I told him now or in a few hours when he was actually up. I decided in the meantime I was just going to catch up and watch the new season of legacies to keep my mind distracted from not only these past few days but from these past few weeks. I needed an out and I didn't have one. My mind was trapped, my soul and body hurt I just wanted to cry all of my pain away but it didn't work. I was now sitting casually curled in a bowl balling my eyes out as I watched my show that wasn't helping to distract my feelings.

After a few hours of crying and binge watching a few episodes, I now has swollen eyes, a runny nose and a mind left on a slight cliffhanger. I decided it was probably best to stop watching Netflix and just go shower so I can be cleaned up by the time Owen wakes up so I can share the good news with him. I lathered my body up and washed up to smell good. Thankfully he wasn't one of the "3 in 1" type of dudes, and instead was a "have 3 of each things" type of dude and I liked that. Once I was all cleaned up and finished getting dressed I heard what obviously was Owen walking downstairs.


"Yes Carmen?"

"Oh, nothing I was just making sure it was still you, you know"

"Yes it's me, hurry down here so we can talk about...something"

I was curious as to what it was he could have wanted to talk about besides what just happened recently but I did as he said and quickly finished up and headed downstairs to see him looking at what looked like houses on his laptop. "What's this?", I questioned him.

"Well I saw that you got your money and since we still are having a kid we might as well get somewhere for them to live, somewhere nice and homey and maybe one day we can make more...we should get ourselves something nice too, a car, a family car, maybe some jewelry for you sexy"

"Um...Owen I don't want to go spending all of my money on things when we have enough stuff already..."

"Your money?"

What did he mean by that? It was my business and I had worked for it. "Yes Owen, my money...you weren't a high up enough partner"

He slammed his laptop slightly. "Carmen, that is both of our money...I worked my ass off too to help you and the company get it and now you're gonna claim it as yours while I give you a place to live and sleep with our child"

He wasn't wrong about any of it really but the money thing was weird. He never seemed like the type to care that deeply about money but then again I hardly knew him in the first place.

"I don't know Owen, can we just wait?"

This time he looked really angry. "Come on Carmen! We can even save like $3 million in an offshore account so nobody can get to it ever except for you and me, please baby", he said as he walked closer to me trying to caress my cheeks to persuade me more or something.

"No! Stop it Owen, we're not wasting the money on stuff we literally already have"

He instantly grabbed my neck and pushed me against the kitchen island counter, bending me back a bit. "You're going yo fucking listen to me do you hear me?"

I was tired of men telling me what to do so I put both of my hands around his arm and tried to push him back and that's when he punched my stomach and I gasped as my legs grew weak. How could he...we just lost our baby girl and now he was going to hurt our last baby...he was gonna take my son from me, my baby boy, my only child. "STOP!", I screamed at him but it failed because once again he swung his arm into my stomach over and over and over while choking me leaving me practically breathless. "O-owen...please....s-stop...you're killing it...", I gasped slowly as I tried to save my baby with my words when I was barely okay myself. I had faith until I started to feel the blood slowly pouring down my legs knowing it could only mean one thing and I used the rest of my energy to cry as I realized he took my baby boy from me and then everything went dark. 

When I woke up I was in a gray room that probably was his basement and it had a faint yellow light and I was tied to a chair with my hands behind me. There was duct tape around my mouth so all I could do is mumble which I tried to do along with squirming in the chair.

"Now let's not do that Carmen, what you are gonna do is give me your card information and banking information so I can send the money to myself, see at first I was going to just do this originally but then it would be a bit more suspicious you know, new business partner who works under CEO aka you and then gets robbed of millions of dollars but then when we started talking in the bathroom that first night about your issues, you spilled a lot so I came up with an even better plan, would you like to know?", he mocked, knowing I couldn't actually responded back to him.

"Well it's okay Carmen I'll tell you anyways, I decided to sleep with you and make you fall in love and then you leave your husband, you trust me and then I get my family to buy your business and offer a billion dollars over what it originally costed and then you give me your information so I can get your portion back while my other family members did it to the others so basically we got a business without spending any money but you, you missy just had to get pregnant and now my family thinks I'm trying to settle down with you and I am not...so you need to disappear and you need to do it fast but see I don't trust you, you'd go to your dad and he also is high up there so he'd take us down in seconds we can't have that now can we...so I guess I have to deal with this my way...", he said as he pulled out a knife from behind his back.

I was scared and started to cry, clenching my legs as if it were going to save me from whatever it was he was about to do to me. I tried to scream "stop", "please help me" and "I'll do anything but I realized nobody would even be able to hear me...I was a lost cause who was going to die tonight. Right when I was about to close my eyes to accept my fate, he ripped off the tape from my mouth and I felt like I was given a second chance and screamed, "HELP ME! SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!" but I was welcomed with a punch to the side of my face, breaking my nose as I cried out in pain. I tried to move but I couldn't and blood was dripping down my face.

"Carmen, tell me your information now!"

"No I am not telling you shit! You KILLED MY BABIES!", I cried out.

"I never wanted it to be like this Carmen...you were sexy, good sex, even a baby, I was even okay with keeping both of the kids or even our son but you just had to say no to spending the money and giving my access", he said as he brought the knife up to my neck, squeezing the handle of the blade as I started shaking from being scared as tears rolled down my face mixing with the blood. "P-please", I stuttered as I felt the cold blade slice against my hot neck.

Owens Pov:

I pressed the knife deeply into Carmen's neck as she begged me for her life before I killed her. I watched as the blood gushed out of her neck down her body, blending in with the blood between her legs from where she miscarried because of me. I didn't feel anything, I just kind of watched as her body gave out as she slowly died and her body just kind of limped there lifelessly. 

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