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Hi I'm Ava Rowland yes the little sister of Brandon Hunter and Ashton Rowland
I'm 16 years old
My birthday is July 24 I'm a mf Leo
I love sports especially basketball
I live in Florida but I was born in Concord San Francisco
My best friends are Julian Jara Jovani Jara Loren gray Ariel Martin but everyone calls her baby Ariel Larri Merritt Issa Tweimeh Ravon Mansour Trinity Marie Nathan Triska and Jonas Bridges
I had a best friend named Mario Selman but he moved from San Francisco to Florida so when I moved to Florida I went to his school when I say Mario I ran up and hugged him but he didn't hug back so I was really confused but I guess it didn't matter cuz I have a youtube channel called (your username) I also have a Instagram you now musically and Twitter with the same name on each platform I have at least 2.3 million all together surprisingly Mario follows all of them does he remember llama nation maybe we'll I will find out I need to get friend for school 

New book already yup I'm gonna try and update 2 times every 2 days Im still going to continue the other story but I wanted to 2 story's so here you go

A bullied by ex best friend | A Mario Selman story Where stories live. Discover now