The Tributes

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Starting off with a general list of the cast/tributes by district to make things clear and easy to understand. Call it the calm before the storm if you will.

District 1

Leona Kingscholar 

Jade Leech 

District 2

Jack Howl

Lilia Vanrough

District 3

Idia Shroud

Jamil Viper

District 4

Trey Clover

Ortho Shroud

District 5


Epel Felmier

District 6

Azul Ashengrotto

Ace Trapolla

District 7

Sebek Zigvolt

Deuce Spade

District 8

Rook Hunt

Ruggie Bucchi

District 9

Malleus Draconia 

Floyd Leech

District 10


Kalim Al-Asim

District 11

Riddle Rosehearts

Cater Diamond

District 12

Vil Schoenheit



Some things to keep in mind/Notes: 

1. I have marked this story mature due to the nature of the Hunger Games and some foul language (I'm a potty mouth, sue me). I'm gonna try to keep the story as mild/nongraphic as possible, but please keep in mind that there will be violence, death, and (completely undescriptive) suicide in this story. So here is your trigger warning.

2. Yes, I know that some of these characters are related and/or in the same dorm. For the sake of the story, we're gonna pretend that that doesn't matter when it comes to districts. The relationships between characters will still be there (example- Jade and Floyd as brothers) but we'll get to explore how these relationships fare when lives are on the line. 

3. The districts were determined by a random group generator. I put the characters into one of those Hunger Games simulators and am using that as inspiration for the story (so don't come at me with a pitchfork when your favorite character dies. Let's pretend it's the simulator's fault!). That being said...

4. This mayyyyy be slightly OOC. I'm gonna try to keep everyone in character, but some situations may call for changes in personalities.

5. Yuu is an actual character in this and will use he/him pronouns to stick with the male theme. You can certainly choose to insert yourself into his part, but it makes it easier on me to just have him as a character.

6. We're gonna pretend that the Hunger Games didn't stop after 75 in the Twisted Wonderland universe because I wanted a Quarter Quell and because I said so :)

7. Internal thoughts will be italicized. "Things said aloud" will be in quotes. Flashbacks will be in bold. *Author's notes will be labeled accordingly and start with an asterisk. 

8. I'm gonna try to update every Friday. Keyword here being try. I have a tendency to be a scatterbrained idiot who forgets everything, but since I actually have inspiration for this one, it's gonna be fine I promise. 

Tune in on Friday for the initial bloodbath and feel free to leave your predictions for the outcome in the comments! Happy trees and trails :)


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