Arena Event

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A dark cloud appears over the entire arena, blocking out the sun completely. The tributes, spread all around, cautiously emerge from their hiding spots to look around in anticipation. 




A strong and deadly acid rain begins pouring down all over the arena. All hell breaks loose. 



Of all the things that could've happened today, this has to be the worst. I jump from my tree and run as fast as I can; I remember passing a cave on my way here. I hiss as the rain burns my skin. I have to find shelter now. While not seriously harmful right away, this particular acid is a death sentence once you've been exposed for too long. It's a cruel substance really, aiming to cause pain and suffering without offering any relief. To be expected of the game makers, of course; what fun would it be if they just killed everyone at once? I stumble over a tree root and almost fall. Crap! I have to be more careful; one slipup could mean my demise. As I hurdle through the woods I'm vaguely aware of some movement to my left. Probably another unfortunate tribute caught in this storm. I can't help but hope he makes it out of this alright. I know he'll have to die eventually if Sebek is to win this horror of a game, but dying in a downpour of acid rain just seems like such a horrible way to go, especially for someone I've come to know as a friend. I can see a wall of rock up ahead; I can only assume it's the backside of a cave. I'm so close! All I have to do is find the entrance. I make a sharp left to run around the side of the cave and crash right into Jade. "Unf!" The collision is rough, knocking the wind out of both of us. I hit my head on a tree root and find myself unable to stand up; a small groan from Jade tells me he is unable to move as well. So this is how it ends... I can feel the burning sensation increasing as I glance over at my, for lack of a better word, companion, and a sudden rush of guilt washes over me. I reach out and grab his hand. "I'm so sorry. I never meant for this to happen. To either of us." He looks at me, a strange look in his mismatched eyes. A pained smile makes it's way to his face. "It's ok. At least now I'll be with my brother and Azul again." A single tear escapes as he closes his eyes, clearly waiting for the inevitable. I close mine as well; I don't really want to see what happens to my body as the rain claims my life. I feel his hand tighten around mine as his pain increases, but soon it goes cold and limp. I shudder as I hear the cannon fire. Please... take me too. Take me now...






Dear god, this is horrifying. By some miracle, I had found a cave last night and decided to hide out for a while. This proved to be extremely valuable today when the showers of acid rain began pouring all around. I feel horrible for all the unlucky people who are caught up in this. I already heard the end of two of the other tributes just now. I could hear them running before colliding into something (perhaps each other?) and before long they were groaning as the rain took their lives. To think, they were so close yet so far from a safe shelter. I shudder to think how that easily could've been me if I hadn't made it in here. I briefly considered going out to save them, but ultimately decided against it. There were too many risks involved, and honestly, I didn't want to face the burn of the acid. Now, all I can do is wait out the storm. I hope Lilia's doing ok during all of this...

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