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I pulled into the long drive way of my parents house and parked my car.

"I'll be back.. It'll only take a minute" I said getting out the car and closing back the door.

"I don't know how why you tell me that becuase I'm going inside too..Mrs Espino always has something good to eat and a n!gga hungry" Joz got out the car and closed the door followed by Kei. I laughed as we walked up the steps and I dapped one of dads body gaurds before we entered the house. The aroma of delicious food hit my nostrils.

"See.. told yea" Joz hit my shoulders and walked off in the directon of the kitchen. I entered the kitchen and there stood my mom stirring a pot over the stove. I stood in line behind Kei to give a hug and kiss.

"Hola hija" She said while embracing me in a warm hug as she kissed my forehead.

"Cap!! Cap!! " My six year old twin brothers Xavier and Miguel came running into the kitchen towards me. I reached out for a hug and they both punched me the stomach then laughed before running off.

"Y'all little shits! Better not let me catch y'all!! " I yelled behind them as I rubbed my tummy.

"Hey... I suggest when you come in my house you change your bloody shirt first ok" My mom said looking at me. I looked down and sighed, I forgot I even had blood on it.

"Lo siento mama..where's dad? " She gave me a head nod in the direction of his office. I kissed her cheek and walked off.

I knocked as I waited for a response.

"Come in" A strong manly voice called out from the other side of the door. I opened it and closed it behind me. My dad sat in his big swivel office chair as he smoked on a Cuban cigar. I took the phone out my pocket and handed it to him. He raised has brow at me then picked it up and search through it.

"It was Angelo's ...thought you might want it...may come in handy" I said as I stood infront his office desk.

"Smart thinking did good" My dad turned and opened his safe as he put the phone in it and took out a wad of cash and handed it to me.

"I'm assuming you did the job yourself from the blood on your shirt" he stated the obvious as he looked at my blood stained shirt. I nodded and took the cash. If you didn't know my dad is filthy rich. He's been in this game for twenty years, he probably makes more money than Bill Gates. When I conducted business I would share the money from the stash the dealers would bring me but when I get my hands dirty for myself my dad pays me in the 100 thousands.


He stood up and walked around the table as he put his hand on my shoulder and kissed my forehead. We both exited his office door and walked into the kitchen. I shooked my head at Joz and Kei who were stuffing their faces.

"Hey Mr. Espino " They both said in unison with their mouths full of food.

"Hey kids" He responded as he wrapped his arms around my moms waist and burried his face in her neck, making her giggle, I smiled. After all these years I can still see and feel the love between them. Their marriage isn't perfect but my mom stood by my dad throughout the good and really bad times. Now, that's the definition of a ride or die chick. I wished one day I'll find a woman like my mom, who'll stick by my side no matter what once I treated her right. Of course I'm not looking for that right now because I'm enjoying the single life, not having any attachments and no one to answer to about who I'm fucking. But one day I do want a woman like my mom.

"Ok fuckers let's go" I pounded the table with my palm as I got off the kitchen stool. I walked over to my parents and kissed them both.

"Mrs. Espino can you make me a doggy bag? I haven't tasted a good home cook meal in awhile.. Cap's food taste like ass " Joz asked with a pout causing my parents and Kei to laugh out loud as my mom grabbed three bowls of food to give to the three of us.

"Fuck you Joz... I'm never cooking for you again!" I yelled as I crossed my arms.

"Promise? " He joked and laughed when I flipped him off.

Mom handed us our bags of food before we left to go to my house. I love being with my dysfunctional family, Kei and Joz included.



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