Chapter 27

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"What did he look like?" One of the policemen asks me for the fifth time.

"I told you already." I snap, getting frustrated. I told Marshall this would be pointless. "I didn't see his face."

"Well what did you see?" One of them shouts at me.

      Marshall's hand tightens around mine.

"C'mon baby." He says calmly. "You've got to have seen something. Anything."

I sigh a long sigh. "The plate. On the truck. It was a word and started with a C."

      The lighter haired cops eyes widen. He pulls his partner closer and whispers into his ear. Both of the stare at each other for a moment. Then, they turn to us and one of them speaks again.

"What do you think it said?" He asks. "Try and think."

      I glare at Marshall and he gives me a they're just helping look.

"I don't know. Crazy? Maybe. It was short, didn't take up the whole plate." I say.

      They look at each other again and one nods at the other.

"That's all we need. Thank you. We'll come back when we have more information."

      Marshall opens the front door for them and closes it when they exit. He walks back over to the couch and sits beside me. I feel very frustrated. Talking to those two made zero difference. They're as dumb as posts.

"Thank you for doing that." He says quietly, brushing his nose on my cheek.

      I half smile and look at my arms resting on my legs. They're completely bandaged and my curiosity pries at my common sense, begging me to take off the wrap and see what's underneath. The one on my chest is small, Marshall says they're only scratches but I think he just doesn't want me to worry.

"What now?" I ask. "Do we just sit around and wait?"

"We don't have to." Marshall answers, kissing my cheek lightly. "But you're not going anywhere alone."

      I roll my eyes at him, his protectiveness is overbearing. But I'll do whatever to keep his mind at ease. For now.

"Rule and Ren would like to come see you." He says. "They're very worried. Especially Rule."

"They can." I mumble, turning into his kisses.

"Good." He hums against my neck. "I told them to come around noon."

      It's almost 11am. An hour to kill. Yes. Marshall scoops me up and carries me to his bedroom. He places me down on the sheets and crawls in beside me. I roll into him and begin kissing his collar bones up to his ear. My hand travels to his waistband but is immediately stopped by his larger one.

"What are you doing?"

"Well I thought we were going to..." My voice trails off.

"No." He shakes his head. "You need sleep baby." He says.

"I'm okay." I say, rubbing my body against his. "Don't you want to?"

"You know I do." He whispers. "But I can't."

"Yes you can." I push, now irritated that he won't cave.

"Rachel no." He says again, holding me closer. "Not today, please. I want you better more than I want that."

"I'm fine though." I whisper against his chest, snuggling against it. "I'm right here."

"I love you." He kisses me hard on the lips. "Please sleep."

      I turn away from him, frustrated. His arm curls around my body and he holds me to him. I can feel his erection against me. I knew it. I smirk to myself. Slowly, I brush my butt against him, grinding ever so slightly. I hear him take in a sharp breath of air. Take that. I smile again. After another moment of my rubbing, Marshall stops me again.

"Baby, please." He murmurs against my hair. "You know we can't. Don't tease me."

      I push against him more and hear him take in another sharp breath. His hand clutches around my hip and he pushes against me too. An agonistic groan escapes his mouth and I smirk again.

"You're pushing it." He breathes. "Stop."

"Stop me." I say back.

"I'm not sure I want to." He whispers, pulling me fully against him.

      My heart leaps. Even after all this time I still lose focus when he talks like this. I flip around and take his face in my hands, kissing him hard. He tastes sweet and warm, like he always does. I savor these kisses like they're the last ones I'll ever get.

      He kisses back with his busy hands all over. They graze over my chest slightly but I'm stopped by a sting under the bandage of my stitches. I flinch back, taking in large breaths. All of a sudden it's difficult to breathe and I find myself moving away from him. Marshall's up on his knees in a second.

"Are you okay?" He asks frantically, eyes darting everywhere over my body. "What's wrong?"

       I lay beside him, biting my lip to keep me silent. Don't cry. Do not cry. I beg myself. Despite my pleas, the tears come. Only a few and I turn away in hopes that he won't see. The pain is gone but I still feel scared. Not scared that he would hurt me, but scared that one of my stitches might be open. Finally we were getting somewhere as close to normal as we can be and it gets fucked up.

"Talk to me." He demands with calm authority. "What hurts?"

      I open my mouth but words don't come out. My throat feels dry and hoarse. I steal a glimpse at Marshall and his expression reads extremely hurt. I don't know whether he's upset about tapping my stitches or upset that I won't-can't say anything. His arms are stretched out to me but he's careful not to touch me. Before either of us can do anything there's a loud knocking on the front door.

"That'll be Rule and Ren." He whispers, eyes frantically searching still. He doesn't move and the knocking persists. "I'll be right back Rach just let me let them in."

      He scrambles off the bed and jogs to the front door. I try to focus on my breathing, and hearing his conversation. I can't make out anything but mumbling so I focus on breathing. In and out, deep breaths. The fear slowly breaks down until there's nothing left. I'm not just sitting in the bed awaiting Marshall's return. It's a while before he comes back. When he does, his look is distraught and vacant. Where's Rule and Ren?

"Are you okay?" He asks in a quiet voice.

"Yes." I manage, his expression softens slightly. "Where's Ren?"

"It wasn't her at the door." He says. "It was the cops from earlier."

"What did they want?" I can't help the annoyance in my voice.

"They were halfway back to the station when they got a lead on the license plate." He sits cross-legged on the bed and rubs my thigh. "They want you to come and see if you can identify the truck."

"What do they think it is?" I pry, now interested in what those idiot cops came up with.

"They have two possibilities." He starts but we're interrupted by the front door opening.

      Marshall tenses and stands protectively by the bedside, listening to whoever just walked in. For a minute, I'm pure fear. Two seconds later Rule appears with Ren in the doorway to Marshall's bedroom. All of Marshall's muscles relax and I let out a long deep breath.

"What the hell?" Marshall shouts. "You trying to give me a heart attack?"

"Lock the fucking door." Ren scolds, and then smirks.

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