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Third POV

It was the next morning after Taylor and Katie broke into your apartment and had there way with you. They are both cuddling naked right against your body hugging you from both sides. You wake up and let out a small yawn.

Y/n:urgh why do you have a headache.

Y/n tries to get off of his bed but found himself unable to.

Y/n:why can't I move.

He fells his arm being hold tight on both sides.

Y/n:what the hell.

Y/n tries to move his left arm trying to free it,getting
Frustrated he jerks his arm violently. He hears a moan coming from his left side.

Y/n:what the hell was that.

He lefts the cover with his free hand to see Katie and Taylor naked laying in his bed.

Y/n:what the fuck.

They start to wake up still groggy from the night before.

Katie:good morning cutie you sleep well.

Y/n:how did you get in here.

Taylor:I have my ways.

Y/n:you know what I don't want to even know but did we do something last night.

Katie and Taylor turns to each other and flashes each other a smile which doesn't go unnoticed by you.

Y/n:great just great not only did you find a way to my apartment the both of you basically rape me. You know the both of you are looking at some serious jail time.

Taylor:well when you put it that way.

Y/n:look I don't have time for this right know I got to get to work we will talk about this when I get back.

Katie:don't keep us waiting to long.

You get out of bed and got dressed as you are about to leave you see your door slightly open you can see a picking tool that was used to pick your door.

Y/n:so that how they got in here.

He makes his way to the parking lot and go into his car and drive to work. It have been a couple of hours since you arrived at work you have just been doing some busy work. It was time for your break you are in the break room sitting down taking a load off of your feet. Victoria sits down right in front of you.

Victoria:you don't look so good is everything okay.

She was right you didn't have time to fully do your morning retine.Your hair was a mess it was baggy and all Rangel up.

Y/n:yeah I'm alright some thing happened just morning and I lost track of time.

Victoria:oh okay then by the way how are you liking living by yourself.

Y/n:I like it so far no rules that I have to follow and all the privacy I want. Well most of the them.

You said that under your breath.

Victoria:that's good I will have to take you up on your offer one of these days.

Y/n:what offer.

Victoria:remember you said that I can come at anytime remember.

Y/n:oh yeah I did say that didn't I do you know where it is.

Victoria:no you never you gave me an address.

Y/n:it must have slipped my mind.

You texted her your address.

Y/n:there you go it's on the tenth floor number 9.

Victoria:ok thank you

Y/n:no problem enough about me how are you and mark doing.

There was a long silence victoria was in trances.

Y/n:hello victoria anyone there

Y/n mange to bring her back to her senses.

Y/n:you alright.


Y/n:are you sure you seemed kinda lost in your thoughts. 

Victoria:I'm okay what did you ask me aging.

Before you can answer your break was over.

Y/n:looks like me break is over I got to get back to work I tell you later.

It was six o'clock time for you to go home. After you clock out you went straight home and get into the elevator. Before it got to your floor you took a deep breath knowing this was the calm before the storm. You step out of the elevator unlocking your door you see the two still there this time fully dressed.

Y/n:you two are still here this time fully dressed.

Katie:we felt bad for what happened last night.

Taylor:so we fixed your door and cleaned your apartment which was a mess.

Y/n:felt bad is an understatement of the year.

Katie:look we both felt bad for what happened.

Y/n:felt bad you two broke into my apartment and basically not basically you did rape me and you won't me to forgive the two of just because you fixed my door and clean my apartment for me.

Taylor is about to say something but you cut her off.

Y/n:I don't want ti fucking here anything from the two of you. What the didn't the both of you just ask me to have sex with the two of in the first place it is not like I was going was going to turn it down. So I ask you this why why did you guys do it.

Both of them stumbled on their words trying to find the right thing to say not to make you even more mad than you already were.

Y/n:I'm wanting here.

Finally both of them found their words.

Both:we both liked you.

Y/n:what a load of shit if both you liked me why the hell wouldn't you just tell me instead of doing what you did.

Taylor:we worried about you rejecting us after all we both in our forties.

Y/n:age doesn't mean anything to me and if the two of you really liked me you would just confess to me. You lucky that I'm in a good mood our I will call the police and take your asses to jail know get both of your asses out of here know.



Both of them exist your apartment in tears you slammed your door behind. You sit on your couch thinking about what just happened.

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